Chapter 9

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Sharla's p.o.v.

one month later. *

well ive been here for a month now, i absolutely hate it. I miss my friends, im starting my new school today and i really dont want to go. Im still mad at Lisa, i havent talked to her since my laast text to her. I just.. Nothing is the same anymore, im not myself, ever since we moved here ive just shut my self out. I dont go out that much because i hate the people who follow me with cameras. Lisa and Scooty's wedding is in a month and hell like im going..

Why does life gotta be hard. People say im lucky cause i get to live in a flash fancy house, good money and everything but i hate it. I dont talk to my mother, then again i dont talk to anyone.. A month ago when i was at Justins, that was the last time i talked to him. He's tried to come get me out of my room but i dont open the door, i keep it locked 24/7. I just want everything to go back to normal.

"Sharla, its time to get up. you need to get ready for school" I heard Alfredo say.

"Okay" I mumbled.

Fredo is okay i guess, ive talked to him a few times he seems like a good guy but.. uggggh everyone thinks im depressed. which im not.. just because i dont talk to anyone doesnt mean im depressed.. does it?

Oh yeah, i got my cast off. my hand is alright now. Well i suppose i should get up now.

I slowly get out of bed and head to my bathroom, turning on the shower i get undressed and wait until its hot.

20 minutes later.

I turn the shower off and wrap my black towel around my body and walk to my wardrobe.

hmm what to wear... ??

I search through my wardrobe and found my black high waited ripped short shorts, my one piece turquoise strapless top with gold bars inbetween my boobs, my black leather jacket and black and black supras. Yep that will do.

After changing I go blow dry my hair and lightly curl it into ringlets and put on a little amount of make up. Light foundation, powder, mascara, eyeliner and cherry lipgloss. I nod at my reflection, grab my phone, smokes and lighter then head down stairs.

"Morning Sharla" Lisa, Scooter, Alfredo, Justin, Pattie and Kenny say. I just nod at them and go get a bottle of water and an apple.

"Are you going to talk today?" Lisa said. I just shrug my shoulders. She sighs and starts talking to Pattie.

well, okay then. I check the time and its 7:30am. oh my goodness i just want this day to be over. I walk out the front door and sit on the steps and light up a smoke.

"You know, you shouldnt smoke. you're to pretty too" I heard a voice. I turn around and saw Alfredo.

"Yeah, well ill do what i want" I snap. He looked taken back.. okay i feel a little guilty..

"Sorry, i didnt mean to snap like that.." i mumble.

"Thats okay, i get it. you dont like it here, you feel out of place like this life isnt for you" he says.

"You are so right, i hate it here. I hate my mother, I hate people following me around if i go out, i just.. i dont belong in this world.. i was perfectly fine where i used to be." i say with tears in my eyes, blinking them away cause i dont want to seem weak infront of people.

"Hey.. its okay, if you ever want to talk im always here for you okay?"He says giving me a side hug. I nod and surprised myself by hugging him back.

"How about i take you to school yeah?" I nod.

"Please, i dont want Lisa to take me. Ill just go get my handbag"

"Okay, while you do that im gonna go get the keys and tell them where we are going."

I stood up and walked through the front door as well as fredo. but went straight up stairs to get my bag then go back down.

As i was coming back down stairs i heard talking, i decided to stay quiet and listen in.

"Hey guys, im gonna go take Sharla to school." I heard fredo say.

"Okay, just please tell her not to start any fights, fires or slap teachers, or get suspended or even expelled." i heard mum say. Everyone gasps.

"What?" I think Pattie said.

"Shes done it before, so i wouldnt be surprised if she does it again." Mum says.


"Shar-"i cut her off.

"Save it, im going to school. and since im in yet another bad mood listen out for your phones you will probably get a call in about an hour."

"Sharla! you will not get in trouble today. please! its your first day"

"What are you gonna do huh? ground me? go ahead i dont do anything anyway! its not like i listen to you, you know what ever since you got engaged to scooty you have become such a snob! i dont even know you anymore!"

"Sharla, dont start!" she raised her voice.

"Why huh!? cause you know im right! you were never like this.And i admit i wasnt either, but you know what. fuck it. do what you want with your guys lives but count me out" I snap.

"Alfredo, please just take me to school." i say and walk out of the house slaming the door behind me.

Sharla, calm down. breathe. just breathe.

"Okay, shall me go?" i hear fredo say. i nod and hop in the car.

On the way to school, no one talked in the car. there was an awkward silent. i glance over a fredo and he looked like he wanted to say something but didnt know if he should or not.

"Okay fredo, what is it? you look like you want to say something but no sure if you should or not?" i ask.

He sighs.. "Okay well, dont you think you were too hard on her back there? i mean.. i know you're upset and everything but you didnt need to go that far."

"She knows i hate it when she talks about my past, shes changed and i dont like it.. i just want my normal mum back. i am sorry cause i know that i need to learn how to control my anger but its hard.. ive just got allthis hatred iin my body that i need to get out but i dont know how so when people piss me off i just snap." He just nodded and kept driving.

ahhh well this is going to be a long....... day.

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