Chapter 11

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Sharla's P.O.V*

So right now im standing infront of the principals door waiting for him to call me in. To be honest.. how in the hell did she know about my father? how did she know he died and she has the fuckn nerve. ugh i swear the next time i see her, shit will go down.

"Sharla, please come in now" Mr Adams said. I nod then walk into his office sitting down on a chair infront of his desk.

"Sharla, we do not tollerate fighting at this school." i just roll my eyes. this faggot doesnt know anything.

"Do not roll your eyes at me young lady." I roll my eyes again.

"SHAR-" i silence him.

"Mate, just give up okay. now how many days will i be suspended for?" i ask.

"A week and thats final. im calling your mother right away to come get you." I roll my eyes once again.

10 minutes later*

"Sharla, your mother is here, you may go now."

"Finally, out of this shit hole." i mutter.

"What was that?" Mr Adams asked.

"I said.. Finally out of this shit hole." I snap at him.

"NO SWEARING I MY OFFICE!" he yelled. i just smirked.

"ARSEHOLE, FUCK, SLUT, WHORE, CUNT, BITCH" I yell right in his face smirking.

"THATS IT TWO WEEKS SUSPENTION!" i just chuckled and left. well that was easy, got out faster than expected.

I walk through the halls of the school, people whispering as i walk past thing, guys still whistling and winking at me. I continued down the hall when someone yelled my name.

"Sharla!" I turn around and see..

Jason. Great.

"what do you want McCann?" I say annoyed.
"I was just coming to say sorry for what I said earlier." he says looking down.

"Look, dont worry about it okay. I gotta go. see you in two weeks" I said waving good bye and walking out the big double doors.

Lisa's p.o.v*

I just made a coffee and sat down by the pool on the lounge chairs out side letting the sun soak into my body.

"mmm" I sighed. its so relaxing.

ring ring ring ring
"hello, Lisa speaking"
"Hi Lisa, its the principal from Sharla's school speaking. She has been suspended for two weeks for fighting. Can you please pick her up straight away."

"oh my, of course. im on my way" with thatI hung up the phone and raced to the car and went to get Sharla.

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