Chapter 20

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Rosies p.o.v*

I woke up to birds chriping, sitting my i strech my arms above me head a sigh. looking around the place its a right tip. well this place isnt going to clean its self. i get up and go over to the stero and start playing voodoo doll by five seconds of summer.

I don't even like you,
Why'd you want to go and make me feel this way?
And I don't understand what's happened,
I keep saying things I never say.

I can feel you watching even when you're nowhere to be seen,
I can feel you touching even when you're far away from me.

Tell me where you're hiding your voodoo doll 'cause I can't control myself,
I don't wanna stay, wanna run away but I'm trapped under your spell.
And it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest,
And I'm having trouble catching my breath.

Ooh [x2]

As im singing along i hear everyones foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Ugggh do you have to sing and play the music so loud?" chase says grumpily, what got his pants in a twist?

"Well for your information yes i do, now come on and help me clean up." after i said that everyone started helping picking up, smoke butts, cups and empty bottles. 10 minutes later the place was spotless. i smiled placing my hands on my hips looking around the place but something doesnt seem right.. i just cant put my finger on it..

"Alright lets get some breakfast! who fancies some waffles!?" i yell, they all grumble because of there hangovers ahhaha light weights :')

"Okay im taking that as a yes! someone go get Sharla! She makes the best!" i cheer.

"I will' Jai says then goes up stairs to Sharlas room.

Jai's p.o.v *

I walk up the stairs and head to Sharlas room. I knock on the door waiting for a reply but i didnt get one.. i slightly open the door and see her bed is still perfectly made.. maybe shes in her bathhroom? i go knock on the bathroom door but no answer once again.. i open it and no sharla.. where is she!?

I sprint down stairs to find Rosie.

"ROSE!!!" I yell running into the kitchen.

"Yeah?" she says.

"Its Sharla.. shes not in her room or anywhere in the house!" I watched as Rosie's face go white.

"Let me call her hang on." she finally says.

Rosie's p.o.v*

i start dialling Sharlas number, please please pick up Sharla.

ring ring ring "Hello?"



"Yeah its me.. where are you?"

"Um the graveyard..can you please come here" i heard her sniffle.

"Of course, im on my way." i say then hang up.

Running up the stairs i get my car keys and sprint all the way outside to my car.

I hope shes okay, shes my bestfriend.. if someone has hurt her, i will hurt them!

before i know it im at the graveyard. i turn my car off and quickly start going to the one spot i know where she will be.

getting closer i see Sharla lying down next to her dads gravestone with an empty bottle of vodka. jesus..

"Sharla?" i say bending down next her her. she looks up and her make up is running down her face. oh no..

"Heyy come here" i say opening my arms sitting down beside her, she sits up and hugs me crying her heart out.

"Whyd he do it Rosie.. why?" She mumbled whos he? and what did he do?

"Who sharla? and what did he do? tell me what happened.." i say rubbing her back.

She sits up into a crossed leg position inhails quite a bit before starting the story.

"Well last night someone must have spiked my drink or something and Luke took me outside, he started leaning in but i stopped him and asked where chase was.." oh please say chase didnt be a dick..

"Anyway luke said he was inside so i walked all around the bottom floor but couldnt find him so i asked Jai and he said Chase went upstairs... So of course i went upstairs looking for him.. i started opening all the doors but he wasnt in any that i check.. that was until i heared moaning in the last room.. i was wishing that it was him.. but i opened the door and there was Chase and Tori having sex.. before they could say anything i sprinted down the stairs, grabbed a bottle of vodka and ran here.." she says before bursting into tears again.

I cant believe him!!! and her!!! shes supposed to be one of our bestfriends!!!!

"Come on Lets get you home to have a shower. Dont worry she will get whats coming to her." Sharla nodded then rubbed Levi's stone then got up and grabbed the empty bottle of vodka with her. she really did look terrible..

"Thankyou Rosie.. i dont think ive actually ever thanked you for everything you have done for me.." i look at her and give her a hug.

"Sharla, im your bestfriend i will always be there for you know matter what, even if we had a fight and i knew you needed me i would always be there, okay." she nodded and smiled.

"Lets go home and get you showered" we jump in the car and head home.

we were half way home and i looked towards sharla, she had tear stained cheeks, make up still running down her tanned face, most of all she was boken once again. but its my job as her bestfriend to help cheer her up. i pull up in the drive way and get out walking round to help Sharla.

I grabbed her by the hand and walk her inside.

"Babe! dont run off like that! i was worried sick!" Chase says coming up to her. i watch as sharla lets go of my hand and in a flash her right fist connects with Chase's jaw. Then we both swiftly walk upstairs. Once Sharla got in the shower i went down staired mad as hell.

i See all the boys sitting down but no chase.

"Where is he!?!?"

"Who?" they answered.

"Dont act stupid! where is chase!?!?" i shout.

"Hes out the back, why?" with that i stormed through the house and made my way to the back door. I saw chase sitting there with his head inbetween his knee's.

"YOU FUCKING MAN WHORE!!!!!" I screamed. walking over to him.

"HOW COULD YOU!?!?!?" "Im sorry! okay! it didnt mean anything!!!" he says.

"IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU DIDNT MEAN IT! YOU STILL WENT THERE WITH TORI!" I slap his cheek that hard it stings my hand.

"Woah guys! whats going on!?" Jai walks over to us.

"Im sure Chase would like to tell you all." i smirk.

I looked towards chase and saw him roll his eyes. he took a deep breath. "I slept with Tori lastnight.. and Sharla walked in." I looked around and everyones eyes where wide! that was until we heard a scream coming from inside the house.

Scooter Braun is my new step dad.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt