Chapter 26

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Sharlas p.o.v*

Jumping out of the shower I quickly wrap my fluffy black towel around my body and change into my booty shorts and a nice baggy jumper. I mean it's comfy and I have no one to impress.
Walking down the marble case stairs I hear everyone in the dining room.

"Ah Sharla this is Selena my girl friend"  Justin introduced. I look up and see Selenas face. She's giving me the dirties? Um like why?
"Hi nice to meet you" I say kindly with a smile. All she did was ignore me and roll her eyes. Seriously what is her problem!? I've done nothing wrong, like nothing!? Bitch needs to calm the fuck down.

"Well, dig in every one" mum says.
I look on the table and all of my favourite dishes are on there, everything from Pasta, Mashed and crunchy roast potatoes to chicken, lamb and pork roasts and lots of vedges and salads. Oh my god she has her homemade garlic bread! I think I'm dead. I've gone to food heaven. I grab myself a plate and pile every single thing on there.
"Pig" I heard Selena Scoff. I looked at her plate and she only had a tiny little hand full of salad.

"Who the hell are you calling a pig bitch" I snarl.
"Sharla please not now" mum says.
"No if she's got something to say then say it" I bark, eyeing Selena up.

"I called you a pig, I mean look at your plate! No wonder you are fat!" I simply laughed and stood up, lifting my shirt up I say "fat? Look at this six pack, don't think that's fat honey. Now shut the mouth of yours so I can eat in peace" I snarl. She gasp and looked at justin.

"Juju why are you letting her talk to me like that... She's so mean!" She whined.
Justin tried not to roll his eyes and said "you did call her a pig and fat, that was pretty rude of you" his husky voice rumbled. She huffed and gave me the evils once more before eating the rest of her "dinner".
3 hours later*
I saw the time and it was 11:30pm. I quickly excused myself and ran up stairs getting ready for bed.


Next morning*
Beep beep beep
I roll out of bed and slam my hand on my alarm clock. Look at the time it's 4:30am. Sweet time to have a work out. Changing into my gym gear, I go into my boxing/gym area and start off with a warm up, 10 mile run on the treadmill, 30 pull ups, 20 punch ups and now time for the punching bags.
Putting my gloves on i strut over to the black bag. Punching it with all my might, right hook, middle, upper cut, round house kick to the head. Repeat, left hook, right hook, back kick, four upper cuts, duck, repeat. Now lastly a nice warm down before my shower.
As I'm doing my stretchers I start to think about my dad, would he be proud of me? Is he ashamed of me? Does he blame me for his death? Wiping away some tears I grab my sweat towel and head for the shower.

*after shower*
I'm standing in front of my closet deciding what to wear.. Hmm might just go with my black skinny ripped jeans and fox crop top along with my black leather jacket and my combat boots, looking the mirror I give myself a nod in approve, for my hair I'll just put that in a messy bun along with some mascara and look at that I'm done.

Checking the time I see its 7:30am well time for breakfast and get to school. Yay! Note to sarcasm.

"Morning mum" I says walking into the kitchen.
"Morning Hun, how was your sleep? I've made you breakfast" she says handing me a plate of hash browns, bacon and eggs, toast and pancakes along with her home made fruit salad.

Sitting down at the breakfast bar I dig in as I say "thanks, yeah it was good. Not really looking forward to today though" clenching my fists.
"I know sweetly just try and ignore her if she approaches you again."

"Yeah I'll try." I says finishes up my breakfast.

"Aye Sharla, need a ride to school?" I heard justin say.
"Um yeah sure thanks" I smile. He smirks and gets his keys before nodding towards the door signalling it's time we head off. Jumping off the stall I kiss mum on the cheek and running towards the door, grabbing my belonging on the way out.

Well today will be interesting. Getting dropped off at school by Justin Bieber, well this news will travel round fast.

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