Chapter four.

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Sharla's p.o.v *

well its been a day since I got out of hospital and mum still hasn't told me we are moving.. I wonder when she is going too?

checking the time It read 10:30am, wow that's early.. slowly getting out of bed, I start my morning routine.

Walking to my on suite I put some music on, All of you by John Legend. This song is amazing, I then turn the shower on and get undressed, singing along to the song I jump in the shower but leave my left hand poking out not wanting it to get wet. well this is going to take a while.

45 minutes later..

Finally all done, I get out of the shower, dry off then go to choose an out fit for today. I decided on my bat man crop top and black high waisted ripped shorts with black high tops. yeah this will do.

once I get changed, which took forever, do you know how hard it is to put shorts on with only using one hand, shit son.

Now for hair and beauty. ha beauty, don't even have that.. anyway. I get my hair dryer and straightener out. once I blow dried and straightened my hair I put on a small amount of make up, Cheery lip gloss, a bit of foundation and mascara. nodding at my reflection I walk down stairs.

"Good morning Sharla" Scooty said.

"Hi" I say a little louder than a whisper.

"Listen Sharla, your mum and I need to talk to you today, is that alright?" I just simply nod.

"Okay cool, well ill go see if she's ready" I nod, once again.

grabbing a glass of water I go and sit down on the couch and turn on the TV and change the channel to  MTV Music. I heard voices, sounds like mum. great I bet they want to tell me about moving and once again im probably going to scream, but ill try keep my anger inside. My thoughts got cut off by mum speaking.

"Sharla darling."


"Scooter and I want to tell you something"


"Well we are all moving to Atlanta"

"So you finally decided to tell me huh." I said, they look dumb founded.

"Wha- what are you talking about?"

"Cut the shit mum, I heard you and scooty talking about it while I was in hospital, pretending to be asleep."

"Sharla, its Scooter" mum said, sounding annoyed.

"Okay, Scooty" I smirked.

"Don't you want to know when we are leaving?" mum asked.

"Don't we leave tomorrow?"

"Actually we are leaving today." I froze, Sharla, stay calm, breathe through your nose, and out your mouth, sta- I cut my thoughts off by screaming.


"Sharla, language. yes im sorry we waited until last minute, but come on ill help you pack and then you can go say goodbye to your friends." I roll my eyes at her and walk up to my room.

*Skip to saying goodbye to her friends.

This afternoon is very dull, none of my friends are smiling, we are all crying. I don't want to leave, this is my home. Dad's grave is here, I cant just leave him here.

"Sharla, say one last goodbye, we are leaving now." i nod, tears slipping down my cheeks.

"Callum.. ill miss you" I say giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Ill miss you too babe" he says whipping my tears. as you can tell all my close guy friends call me babe and all that shit.

"Luke... im going to miss you so much, who's going to pick me up when im drunk off my face and make me food when I got the munchies" I give him a hug and kiss on the cheek as well.

after saying goodbye to the rest I move on to Chase and Rosie. This is going to be hard.

"Cha- Chase" I cut my self off by crying, all Chase does is grab me and pull me into a tight hug, not letting go.
"Baby girl, ill miss you so damn much, please come back fast." I nod.

"Chasey ill miss you too, don't worry. im coming back whether you like it or not" I sass, we both giggle. Staring into his eyes, we both lean in, as his lips touch I grab the back of his head pulling myself closer and Chase raps his arms around my waist. Braking the kiss, I hug him on more time, whispering to him that I love him and ill miss him dearly.

Moving across to Rosie, As soon as we look at each other we burst into tears, grabbing one another we hug and cry on each others shoulders.

"Rosie, you will always be my best friend, partner and crime. everything, you're my rock, a shoulder to cry on, just everything I can ask for. you're defiantly one of a kind. ill never forget you, ill be back before you now it, I miss going to miss you so much" I say while crying.

"Sharla... you will always be my best friend, no matter what."

"Pinky promise?" I say holding my pinky up. She giggled and wrapped her pinky with mine.

"Pinky promise" I give her one last hug and tell her how much im going to miss her.
"ill miss you too Nevaeh, remember im always a phone call away" I nod.

Looking around my I see everyone crying.

"Group hug?" I ask, everyone cheered and huddled in together.

TOOT TOOT,  I heard mums car horn, signalling for me to hurry up. bitch wait.

"Well guys I have to go, ill miss you all so much." there was mumbles of "miss you too" and everything, I gave Rosie and Chase one last hug then walk over to the car, as I was about to get in I turned around and gave everyone one last wave then jump in the car.

"Uggh mum, can we make one last stop?" I ask quietly.

"Sure where do you wanna go?"

"I think you know where." She nodded and off we went.

Scooter Braun is my new step dad.Where stories live. Discover now