Why? Fuck if I know.

She didn't even bother to answer that as she walked over and sat on the edge of my bed, her hand gently cupping my face and studying every inch of it.

"What happened?"

"Well..", I trailed off, releasing a sigh in the process. "Tasha and I got a call about a homeless man in need of medical attention since apparently he had a broken wrist. Turns out, when we got there, he basically told us to get lost and that he was refusing treatment cause he hated hospitals. We gently tried to convince him to come with us and get his wrist checked out, and he literally went ballistic Ash.. he lunged forward, straight up punching Tasha in the eye. I tried to get in between, I tried to get him off of her, and I ended up getting myself punched in the face as well, as you can see.."

"So, he punched you and broke your nose?"

"It's not broken.."


"I do need stitches..", I grinned sheepishly, nervously scratching the back of my neck as I studied her.

"Can't you do something safe for a living? Like I don't know, yoga?", she huffed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yoga? Really?"

She was about to bite back when Tasha's phone went off. Smiling at us, she grabbed her phone and walked out of the room, leaving us alone.

"Seriously though, why are you wearing th-"

"I slept with your brothers.", she nonchalantly cut me off, causing my eyes to go wide and my jaw to almost fall and roll off my bed.

I stared at her, blinking several times as I realized she had no fucking clue as to what just came out of her mouth. Like seriously, she looked lost into her own world whereas my heart literally stopped.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?", I half mumbled, half shouted. "You did WHAT? You slept with my brothers. Like, the both of them, at the same-"

"Oh my God, that came out so terribly wrong honey, I'm so sorry.", she laughed out loud, blushing furiously and not helping my racing mind in the slightest. "I think I'm still high from last night."

"Again.. WHAT? You got high last night? Without me? You never even took a drag from me like what the actual f-"

"Maybe I should stop talking."

"You better speak up bitch cause you almost gave me a heart attack.", I hissed, a crooked smile plastered on my lips at the sheepish grin coming my way.

"Okay, let's start over.", she chuckled, reaching for my hands and holding them tight. "I shared a bed with your brothers last night and when you called earlier I quickly lost my mind, bolted out of bed and since I didn't know what happened to you or anything, I didn't want to wake them up and freak them out as well. So I grabbed the first things I found in Matt's room and rushed here."

"Okay.. and why exactly did you share a bed and smoked weed with my brothers?", I frowned, already knowing the answer nonetheless.

She shrugged, flashing me a knowing look.

"What did she tell you?", I gritted, nervously biting my lower lip as I averted my eyes from hers.

"I think you already know baby..", she whispered, the tone of her voice causing me to look back at her and see her eyes getting watery. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I seriously wanted to punch my Grandma in the face like right about now.

"Cause it's in the past, Ash.", I deadpanned. "It's in the past and I hated every second of it."

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