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"Yo, What the fuck?!", Matt growled as he stood up from his bed in just his underwear, a girl following his movements in utter panic and desperately looking for her clothes.

I took in what was happening in some sort of slow motion, my eyes wide in shock as I realized that I just walked in on my 15 year old brother having sex with a girl. Or almost, at least.

I stood there dumbfounded as the two teenagers frantically put some clothes on. My eyes fell on the girl: she was a petite redhead with long curly hair that fell gently on her shoulders and complimented her soft features. She had a tiny nose covered in adorable freckles and she had light blue eyes. Her body-

"Are you going to get the fuck out of my room anytime soon?!", Matt shouted, taking me back to the reality of the situation.

I think I have a serious problem.

"Shit. Yeah, sorry.", I mumbled as I turned around and left the room, the door slamming behind me.

I lingered there on the spot. I definitely wasn't ready to deal with this. I'm no parent! I shouldn't be thinking whether to lecture my brother on the subject or not, for fuck's sake!

Part of me wanted to turn around and give him a piece of my mind, but the other part was screaming for me not to do that since I didn't want to embarrass him any further. Just as I was about to make a decision, I heard footsteps behind the door and bolted down the stairs.

"Come on, Melanie! Just wait!", I heard Matt calling after her as they both rushed downstairs. "Please?"

When they came in sight, Melanie looked at me with an apologetic and sheepish smile, mouthing towards me an 'I'm sorry, Miss García', as she ran for the door, Matt still hot in her heels, helplessly trying to get her to stay.

God, I felt like shit now.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!", Matt growled at me as soon as the door slammed shut. "It took me 3 fucking months to get her to agree to spend some time alone with me!!"

"Oh, you mean to have sex?!", I frowned.

"Hell yes to have sex! Dammit! Shouldn't you be at work?!"

"I have tomorrow and tonight off, FYI."

"Perfect. Just perfect.", he groaned as he took a seat at the table and buried his head into his hands. "Nice job, Alex. That girl will never even look at me again and it's on you."

"Hey, don't put this on me Matt!", I retorted, starting to get pissed off myself. "This wouldn't have happened if you actually grew a pair and confronted me about what happened on Sunday! But, hell no! Let's avoid your fucking sister for three days, hoping that she'll let go!"

"You had no right to barge into my room like that!", he hissed, shooting daggers at me.

"I know, and I'm sorry! But I was done with you avoiding me and I was determined to finally have a conversation with you. I had no clue that you were with someone! So, I'm sorry. But me apologizing to you for walking in on you guys doesn't make it okay, Matt!"

"Well, don't worry sis. That's definitely not going to happen again anytime soon."

An awkward silence fell between the two of us. I had no idea how to go on about it and I could tell that Matt was pissed but mostly embarrassed by the whole thing, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Matt.. since you're here now, can we talk about Sunday?", I asked in a soft voice. "I'm concerned-"

"Don't be, Alex.", he sighed out loud, looking up to meet my gaze, his features softening. "Look, given our family history, I completely get why you're concerned. But I'm telling you: don't be. It was a mistake okay? Some older guys from my team managed to get their hands on some beers and since we were celebrating I had some myself. I deserved you giving me shit about it, and I shouldn't have avoided you. I'm young, I made a mistake, I'll probably make a thousand more, but I promise you that it won't happen again."

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