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I was sitting in my car, bored out of my mind and listening to some rock music. 'Bored' wasn't even correct actually, cause what I was really feeling right now was anxiousness: I was anxious cause I wanted to know what was going on inside that house, but mostly, I wanted to know whether Ashley was doing okay or not.

Trying to take my mind off of it, I absentmindedly took out my phone and started playing to the most moronic and frustrating game that ever made it's appearance on earth: Chicken.

It's basically a game that consists in two very simple yet annoying tasks: you had to either speak to the chicken for it to walk, and you had to basically scream to the top of your lungs for it to jump. Really, it was just plain stupid.

"Walk, walk, walk.. JUMP YOU STUPID BIRD!"

I went on and on like this for at least half an hour, silently (well, not really) hoping that the windows of my car would somehow muffle my screams so that Ashley or her parents wouldn't hear me and force me into a psychiatric ward.

"Walk, walk, wa- goddammit Jess!", I huffed in frustration as soon as my game got interrupted and her name flashed across my screen. "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Hey you.. not much.", she replied down the line, sighing. "How are things going with your girlfriend?"

"Not sure babe.", I paused, glancing towards the front door. "She's been in there for quite a while, so I guess things are either going fine or completely to shit."

"You're so fucking adorable when you don't even try and deny that you're together.", she teased as I pictured her cheeky grin, causing me to roll my eyes at her but blushing nonetheless.

"Actually..", I trailed off, a goofy smile creeping up on my lips. "She.. she told me she loved me last night.", I blurted, scratching the back of my neck shyly.


"Uh, Jess?", I questioned, frowning and glancing at my phone to see if I had bad signal or something but that wasn't the case. In fact, I could hear muffled noises I couldn't quite place.


"Yeah, sorry about that, I was doing a happy dance around your room.", she squealed childishly, causing me to laugh. "Holy shit, that's huge by the way!! Did you say it back? Are you official now? When's-"

"Yo, relax babe.", I chuckled, shaking my head at her even though she couldn't see me. "I did not say it back, Jess.. Not really there yet. But I'll tell you this: I'm really starting to like the idea of actually being with her and taking the next step.", I confessed, biting my lip just in the attempt to stop my smile to grow even wider.

This woman, I swear.

"Fuck, I never thought I'd hear you say that Alex. I'm really happy for you, you deserve it."

"Thanks baby.", I smiled to myself, adjusting my position in my seat, one knee resting against the steering wheel. "What about you? Have you talked to Sky at all?"

"I did.", she paused briefly. "She told me she liked me and I kind of said it back, but I also told her that I love Tyler and that I have to at least try and do whatever I can in order to fix our relationship as for now.."

"How did she take it?"

"Surprisingly well. She's a very smart and kind woman, and she totally understands where I'm coming from, so I guess only time will tell."

"Good, I'm glad you sorted that out babe. So, what's the next step concerning Ty?", I questioned, absentmindedly playing with my shoelaces.

"Not a clue, but I gotta go Alex, I need to poop."

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