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The following night, Jess and I were in line outside of a random club, waiting to get in. We were looking pretty hot, I'm not going to lie, and guys were already hitting on us without a care in the world. Little did they know that the gorgeous blonde next to me was in a serious relationship while I was, well, very much gay. Sorry bro.

Although I couldn't exactly keep my mind off of Ashley as I intended, I was determined to have a good night out and let my hair down. I desperately needed to get laid and I was hoping to get lucky tonight, even though deep down I wasn't really feeling it at all.

"How long is your Grandma staying by the way?", Jess suddenly asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, I asked her to stay at least till after you and I get back from Vegas. Other than that, I'm not really sure. Why?"

"Just wondering.", she shrugged, running a hand through her hair. "I can't wait to get my bed back."

"Technically, that's still my bed.", I chuckled as we moved forward in the line.

"Whatever.", she smirked, brushing me off.

We soon came face to face with the bouncer, who quickly ID'd us and let us in. Stuffing our fake ID's in our pockets, we made our way inside the club. The place was packed, the music was blaring, and you could tell without a doubt that half of the people in here were already pretty smashed.

I followed Jess through the crowd and towards the bar to get some shots, when she suddenly stopped, causing me to bump into her.

"Jess what the-"

"Abort mission. I repeat, abort mission.", she mumbled, turning around to face me just to stare at me with wide eyes.

"What's going-"

"She's here.", she cut me off, trying to pull me back from were we came from.

I frowned, looking at her in amusement as I stood my ground. I turned away from her and quickly scanned the crowd in front of the bar. That's when my eyes landed on her: there, standing by the stools and looking as stunning as ever, was Ashley, talking and laughing with a man who I assumed to be one of her friends.

Of course of all the clubs in Chicago she had to come here tonight!

Since she seemed oblivious to my presence, I allowed my eyes to travel along her body: her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, she had a little more make-up than usual and she was wearing a backless red dress which hugged her curves perfectly and stopped mid-thigh, showing off her long, toned legs that were attached to a pair of black high heels. Man, I wanted to fuck her senseless.

"We can go to another-"

"I don't care Jess.", I shrugged, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the bar, ignoring the confused face she was giving me. "We're here, the music's good, and I won't allow her to ruin my mood any further."

"You sure? Cause-"

"How many shots?"

"Two?", she sighed in defeat, realizing we weren't going anywhere any time soon.

"8 shots of tequila and two jagerbombs, please!", I grinned mischievously as I placed our orders, basically yelling over the music.

We downed our shots before heading for the dance floor, not even bothering to glance over to Ashley again. She probably didn't see me yet, and I was hoping it would stay that way for the rest of the night. I really couldn't be arsed with her bullshit anymore.

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