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"Hey babe.", I greeted, smiling at Jess who was waiting for me next to the buffet. "You look like shit."

"Well thanks!", she hissed, trying to punch me but failing as I pulled her into a tight hug. "That's better.", she mumbled against my shoulder in a playful tone.

"Thank you. Really, thank you so, so much Jess."

"You're very welcome Alex.", she smiled softly at me as she pulled away. "And by the way, I not only look like shit. I feel like I got hit by a truck."

I chuckled, motioning to grab a plate and get some food since I was literally starving.

"Oh, I'm not sure if Ashley ever got the chance to tell you, but Skylar's here as well.", she informed, stuffing her plate with eggs and bacon.

"Yeah, she filled me in."

"I'm sure she filled you in alright.", Jess retorted, a devious smirk plastered on her smug face.

"Shut it."

"So, how was it?", she perked up, completely dismissing my request as we took a seat at the nearest table.

"How was what?", I asked, playing coy. "Nothing happened babe."

"Yeah right!", she bursted out laughing before elaborating in front of my not really confused face. "As I already told you, you twitch your nose before lying, which automatically makes you suck at it. So don't play dumb with me missy, cause I can smell a fart in New Hampshire, and what I'm smelling right now is utter bullshit."

I simply shrugged, not wanting to get into details with her over breakfast or ever for that matter. Plus, I haven't been up long enough yet to deal with her shitstorm of questions.

"Besides, I'm fairly confident that the entire floor heard you guys.", she smirked, causing me to almost choke on my beloved bacon.

"What do you mean?", I mumbled, feeling my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

"Dude like, if I wasn't straight or puking my soul out while Skylar held my hair I would've joined you guys. That's how loud you were."


"Sorry Jess..", I mumbled again with a sheepish smile, scratching the back of my neck while simultaneously sinking into my seat. "I didn-"

"It's okay Alex.", Jess chuckled, blatantly amused by my uneasiness. "I was puking so much that your moaning contest didn't bother me that much.. Anyway, how was it?"

I sunk in my chair, my eyes diverting from hers and to my hands as I started fidgeting slightly. A shy smile crept on my lips as I struggled to put into words the rush of emotions that I felt last night. Could I even explain that to her? Cause I could barely explain it to myself.

"That good huh?"

I lifted my eyes and met hers as a weird smile developed on her face, probably due to my inability to even speak about it. I blushed, smiling sheepishly.

"I could say it was amazing, but that wouldn't make my case Jess.."

"So, no details?", she grinned, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Hell no.", I deadpanned.

"Come on! You always give me details Alex!", she pouted, giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, not this time Jess. Sorry."

She flashed me another weird and unreadable look, which I decided to ignore and brush off.

I didn't even wanna know what was going on in her head, let alone question her about it. The only thing I knew was that there was no way in hell that I'd give her details about last night. As I said, everything with Ashley was different, and I didn't feel comfortable in sharing any details about our intimacy, not even with my best friend.

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