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"You said she was ugly."

"I did not say that, I said she was qualified."

"That's no different."

"Agree to disagree."

"So you're saying she's pretty?"


It was the middle of July, Ashley and I were getting married in three days from now, and we just got home from running a few errands and swing by my bar. And I might be mistaken, but I felt like we were about to get into an argument, a pointless one at that. But I'd be guessing.

"God, have mercy on me.", I groaned as I closed the door behind me. "As I said, she isn't ugly nor pretty, she's just qualified."

"So.. average?"

"Ash!", I pouted, not missing the cocked eyebrow coming my way as we made our way upstairs. "Why are you making such a big fuss about this? It's not like I hired that girl, okay? But since Miguel is coming to our wedding, I couldn't possibly leave Max to handle the bar on his own, I'm sure you can understand that, right? I brought her in for the next four days, she'll be out of there by the time we come back."

"She better be.", she mumbled as she shuffled through our closet, causing me to stifle a laugh. "Don't mock me, García. I'm still confused as to why you didn't hire that other guy."

"Are you serious? That guy didn't even know how to open the cash register.", I chuckled as I approached her from behind, snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her closer. "Besides, are we missing the point for which I won't be working with that chick in the slightest since I'll be two hours away to get married to you?"

All I got in response was a weird mimic of my own voice repeating my statement.

"You're adorable when you're jealous, you know that?", I smirked, planting a gentle bite on her neck.

"I'm gonna ignore you.", she huffed, turning around to plant a kiss to my lips nonetheless. "I'm gonna hop in the shower, wanna join me in utter silence?"

I was about to agree on the spot when my phone buzzed, Jess' name flashing on my screen which caused me to release an exasperated sigh whereas Ashley giggled in amusement.

Rolling my eyes at her, I slapped her ass on her way to the bathroom before plunging on the bed and taking the call.

Staying true to her words, Jess was kicking ass at planning our motherfucking wedding. Thing is, Ashley and I decided to get married at her parents' mansion and all in all to keep things simple, but my best friend wasn't having any of it and as a matter of fact, she's been all over the place for the past few months.

It wasn't that I didn't appreciate all she was doing, mind me, but we had to stop her several times from going overboard.

"It's too hot to think, Jess!", I whined into the phone, my best friend giggling as a result.

"Work with me, bitch.", she then hissed as I heard her shuffle around.

"It's too hot for that too."

"May I remind you that you're getting fucking married in three days and we have nothing, you fucktard?!"

"Are you kidding me?", I chuckled, shaking my head at her hostility. "The only thing that's left to decide are the flowers and-"

"And your fucking dress, you idiot.", she cut me off, a shy smile creeping up on me. "So? Dress or suit?! Unless you're considering getting married naked, that is."

"I haven't decided yet..", I mumbled as I stretched further onto the bed, my eyes absentmindedly landing on the rock sitting on my finger. "I hate dresses."

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