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With Ashley still in some sort of daze from my recent declaration, we both made our way downstairs, my amused smirk slowly fading as I watched Matt pacing back and forth in front of our couch, his face pale as he nervously ran his shaky hands through his already ruffled and messy hair.

I stood there, furrowing my brows as my eyes flickered from my brother to Jess, silently sitting on the couch and shrugging as soon as she met my confused eyes.

Seeing the distraught state Matt was in, I took a deep breath and braced myself, nervously taking a seat next to Jess as Ashley absentmindedly followed suit.

"Matt?", I tried, quickly realizing his pacing wasn't stopping any time soon.

In fact, the more I called out his name, the more he seemed to be panicking.

"Matthew!", I yelled, successfully snapping both Matt and Ashley out of their trance.

"Alex..", he trailed off, his eyes focusing on me for a split second before he sat down on the chair opposite from us and released a loud sigh, his face buried in his hands as he avoided my inquisitive glare. "Y-you.. you should probably sit down."

"I already am.", I deadpanned, ignoring the silent giggle that escaped my best friend's lips. "What's the matter buddy? Where's Chase, is he okay?", I suddenly questioned in concern as my eyes scanned the room around us.

"What? Oh, yeah, he's okay, he's upstairs sis.", he immediately reassured but jumped out of his chair just as quickly, his pacing resuming as his hands never left his face.

"Then stop trying to dig a hole into our living room and talk to me, Matt! You're freaking me out."

"Well newsflash, Alex! I'm freaking out as well! I thought I was making that pretty clear!", he scoffed in a trembling voice as he brought one hand to his mouth and nervously started to bite his nails.

"You really shouldn't bite your nails Matt, it's highly unsanitary.", Ashley chipped in with a small smile, a smile that quickly turned into a frown when we both looked at her sideways. "What? It's true."

"Matt..", I trailed off, bringing my attention back to him and ignoring my girlfriend's unneccessary urge to spread her fun facts around. "Just calm down and tell me what happened, okay? I can't help you if you-"

"Melanie's pregnant.", he suddenly blurted, causing me to stare at him dumbfounded.

"Come again?!", Jess snorted, hardly refraining from bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Please, do not.", I gritted, glaring at her and only increasing her amused giggles. "What the fuck, Matt?! We literally had this conversation not too long ago and now you're dropping this bomb on me?! Like, really, what the actual fuck brò?!"

"This is gonna be so good.", Jess subtly squealed, adjusting herself on my couch.

"Really, Jess?! Want some popcorn with that too?!"

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?! I-", Matt tried.

"How the hell did this happen?!", I growled, feeling anger boling inside my body.

"Well, I guess it happened the old fashioned way baby.", Ashley pointed out with a cheeky grin, her playful act dropping when she met my furious eyes. "Sorry."

"Talk, Matt."

"Jesus, do we really have to do this in front of- fine, yeah, whatever! It's not like this could get any weirder than it already is!", he huffed, his cheeks going red in embarrassment as he avoided the three pairs of eyes glued to his figure. "So, we ditched school once, okay? And yes, before you say it, I'm an idiot. Anyhow, we were on her bed, making out and stuff, and things got heated real quick, okay? A-and.. before we knew it we were both naked and, I don't know, I-.. I asked her if we could try having sex without a condom just for once, just to, you know, find out how it felt like- come on! Don't look at me like that, you know it's a thousand times better without a freakin' condom!"

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