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I dragged myself to school after I went through my morning routine: I took a shower, I got dressed, made breakfast and lunches for the boys, applied some makeup mostly to cover the bags under my eyes, packed my bag and I was out.

I had a pounding headache due to the lack of sleep, so I didn't even bother to put together a decent outfit. I simply went with light blue jeans, a big black sweater and black boots, topping it all with a messy bun. It was the second day of senior year and I already felt like I got hit by a train. Perfect.

As soon as I got out of my car, Jess was already by my side as we made our way inside the building.

"Long night at work?", she asked me, probably noticing how tired I was.

"Mmh.", I nodded as I took a sip of coffee from my travel mug. "The place was fucking packed."

"Did you manage to get any sleep?"

"Ugh.. I slept like, 3 and a half hours. I guess it'll take me some time to get used to it again.", I sighed, letting out a big fat yawn.

"Yeah, I get that.. I honestly don't know how you do it.", she stated as we stopped at her locker.

I smiled at her and leaned against the wall while she shuffled through her locker. I then remembered yesterday's conversation.

"Did you talk to your parents?"

"I did.", she paused, shutting her locker and looking up at me. "They're totally fine with me moving in with you. They think it's the best solution since it's senior year and they weren't comfortable either with me having to start over somewhere else at this point. Plus, they kind of love you even though I can't really see why."

"You're so ungrateful.", I mumbled, rolling my eyes at her.

"Are Matt and Chase okay with me moving in?", she then asked, ignoring my statement with a playful smirk.

"They're more than okay with it. Especially Matt.", I chuckled, teasing her as we started to head towards our classes.

"Your brother is such a perv.", Jess laughed at me, nudging me in the side.

"See you in Spanish?", I asked her as I reached my history class and stopped by the door.

"Claro que sí!", she winked at me, dismissing herself as I rolled my eyes and made my way into the classroom, mentally preparing myself for the excruciatingly boring lecture that I was about to endure.


The day went by tremendously slow as I barely managed to keep my eyes from shutting. Coffee wasn't doing his job, and the 40 minutes of sleep that I was able to catch in the library during my period off only seemed to have worsen my condition.

I was now sitting in the cafeteria, absentmindedly eating lunch with Tyler, Jason and Jess. I wasn't particularly looking forward to my next period, and I guess we all know why. I still couldn't wrap my head around it honestly.

"There's a party tonight at Chad's. You two coming? It's supposed to be liiiiiit!", Tyler asked, causing me to look up from my plate.

"Can't.", I mumbled as I chewed on my pasta. "Work."

"I'm in!", Jess enthusiastically replied, pushing away her plate as she finished eating.

"Great! Want me to pick you up?", Tyler asked her, to which I turned my head in Jess's direction, arching my eyebrow and giving her a smartass look.

"Uh.. y-yeah.", she stuttered, trying to hide the sudden blush that crept over her face. "That would be great.", she added before glancing towards me, silently murdering me and kicking my leg under the table.

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