She was pregnant (part 3)

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It had been 2 weeks since grandma told me the terms of her helping me raise the baby. So now I was sitting in the living room from my grandparents waiting for Dean to arrive for dinner.


I raced towards the door forgetting they had a maid but I knew I had to warn Dean before my grandparents told him their idea. Grandpa hadn't looked at me ever since grandma told him the news. But he does talk to grandma about me in front of me, only referring to me as Lorelai. 

"Hey," Dean says, embracing me with a warm hug. He smells like trees on a hot summer day. 

"Hey Dean, I need to tell you..." I start before getting cut off by grandma entering the room. 

"Hello Dean, this way," she says gesturing to the dining room. 

I hadn't talked to Dean for ages since I've been staying at my grandparents house and they didn't let me use the phone. Except for talking to mum which I didn't want to do anyways. She dropped all my belongings at the front door one night and I woke to my room being surrounded by things that had once made me feel at home. 

I sat down across from Dean and there was barely a moment of silence before grandma started talking. 

"Well Dean I'm not going to mess around and pretend everything is fine so let's get into shall we. Do you have anything to say for the way you conducted yourself on the night of the dance with Rory?"

"Uhh.. I thought we were past this. Like I said, nothing happened."

"Don't you dare lie to me you horrid boy!"

"But I just said I didn't..."

"RORY IS PREGNANT!" yelled my grandpa.

I looked up at Dean for just enough time to see his expression. It was a combination between shock, horror and hurt. 

"Now, as you've given Rory little choice regarding her future now, you won't have much choice either. As soon as the baby is born you will work for me and you will marry Rory next month before she becomes to fat to fit into a dress." Grandpa announced. 

"Here are your rings, they're family heirlooms so don't lose them. I'll plan the wedding and we'll talk about the child's future before she's born." Grandma said, tossing rings at both Dean and I.

The ring was beautiful and I didn't hesitate to slip it over my ring finger. I wanted to marry Dean but not nearly as much as I needed to if I wanted to be a journalist still. 

I look up at Dean and he hesitates, looking at me with all kinds of sadness. But then he does it. He puts on the ring, sealing our and it's future together.

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