She Eloped (part 4)

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I sit in the car waiting for Rory to return from the shops, tears welling up at the bottom of my eyes. How could I let this happen, I think as I feel the bump in my pocket that is the positive pregnancy test. 

"Hey," Rory says as she gets into the car, "They has cinnamon sugar pop tarts so I grabbed a dozen just for fun!"

And at that moment I open the car door and throw up outside. Wow, who knew that pop tarts would be what would set me off.

"Mum, oh my god are you ok?"

"Uhhh yea Rory, I need to tell you something..."

"You're pregnant aren't you?"

"What how did you know?"

"Mum," Rory sighs, "You just threw up, which never happens even when we have junk for a whole week. Not to mention how weird you've been acting. Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"I just found out," I say, pulling the test from my pocket and handing it over to Rory.

"Oh my god, this is fantastic mum, now you and Luke can start a family together, have another kid, just like you've always wanted..."

"Rory I don't know," I interrupt, unsure whether or not to tell her that it's Christopher's.

"Mum come one, this is perfect, Luke will be the best dad you've seen him with April."

"I know but the time just isn't good."

"The time is perfect mum, you're ready for this I just know it."

I want to cry. Rory's reaction is all I've ever wanted from her and this would be perfect if it weren't for Christopher. 

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