Lane married Dave (part 2)

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I step off the plane feeling exhausted and slightly queasy. The plane trip to California was a nightmare. A baby was screeching behind me the entire time and the large man next to me used me as a pillow most of the flight. But nothing can get to me today because today is the day that I get to see my Dave for the first time in ages. I can't believe we are going to get married. This has all happened so fast and my mother is mostly responsible for it. I still can't believe she's letting me go all the way to California just for him. Well.... us. 

I look around where I see people holding up signs saying things like 'Welcome Home' and 'Glad You are Back'. That's when I notice the sign saying 'The Future Lane Rogowski'. He spots me standing there, chucks the sign over his shoulder and starts running towards me. Of course I run towards him as well and when we meet in the middle his lifts me up and hugs me. I wrap my previously dangling legs around his waist as he spins me around and kisses me. 

"I can't believe your mum actually let you come to California," he says to me putting me down and pulling me into him by my waist. 

"I can't believe that's the first thing you say to me after not having seen me in 3 months," I laugh, out of breath from our greeting. 

"I love you Lane."

"I love you too."


Lane takes me to his dorm room where I meet his roommates Eric and Steven. They are nice but have terrible music taste so I immediately lose a bit of respect for them. Dave leads me into his room and we sit on his bed. 

"I got you something," Dave says, fishing around is his desk drawer. 

When he finally finds what he's looking for he tells me to close my eyes and hold out my hands. When I open my eyes a small blue velvet box is sitting in my palms. I open it to find a black opal surrounded by tiny diamond clusters. It's the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. I kiss him and he puts it on my finger. 

"So what are you thinking for the wedding? Place? Date?"

"Woah woah woah Dave. I'm the one who asked. It doesn't mean I've though of any of that."

"Ok fair enough. How about here?"

"This dorm room? I mean it's nice and all but smells a bit too much like college boys for my taste," I say sarcastically, giving his shoulder a small punch. 

"Pfft, I didn't mean here here. I meant California. What do you think?"

"Yeah that sounds great. When were you thinking?"

"How about tomorrow?"

"Hahaha I forgot how funny you are!"

"I'm not joking Lane. Your mum will probably want you home soon and I'd love it if you went back to Stars Hollow as my wife. What do you think?

"I think that we should go dress and tux shopping right now!"


I call Rory on my cellphone as I try on the dress that I know is THE one. When she doesn't pick up straight away I start second guessing everything but then I see my reflection in the mirror and know that it's what a truly want. 

"Hey Lane, How are things going with the band?"

"Well actually that's why I'm calling. I'm in California."

"Really? Did the band get a gig there?"

"No I'm seeing Dave. I asked him to marry me... and he said yes."

"You're joking...right?"

"Rory I'm serious. Dave and I have decided to elope...tomorrow."

"What? Really? But you're so young!"

"Yeah I know. But sometimes you just know it's right and you don't want to wait."

"What time will the ceremony be?"

"We don't know yet. I'm dress shopping right now. Dave already rented a tux and is calling up different venues now. We're thinking a beach wedding since it's California."

"I'm coming right now!"

"What Rory no! You have school. I don't want you to fall behind just because..."

"Because you're getting married. Lane you're my best friend. I have to be at your wedding. Call me when you have more details, I need to pack now, Bye."

"Wait Rory..."

But the other end of the line has already gone dead. I look at myself once more in the mirror. I'm getting married tomorrow. 

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