She Eloped

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: What I think would have happened if Lorelai didn't tell Luke that she slept with Christopher and eloped with him. From the perspective of Lorelai. 

I'm stunned looking at Luke who's standing in front of his truck asking me to elope with him. He's just poured his heart out to me but I have no words. I can't believe I slept with Christopher. Luke just needed time to process what I was saying to him last night and I just went ahead and spent the night with Christopher. 

"Come on Lorelai. I'm ready now. I thought we needed to take things one step at a time but now I know that everything will be fine if you're there beside me."

I look at his pleading face and then at the car that he's packed. I see a cup of coffee in the passenger seat cup holder and pancakes with bacon on the seat. He hates watching me eat food like that. 

"Luke I..." I start before cutting myself off. I want to blurt out to him how I slept with Christopher but then I remember what Sookie said. If there's a chance of us getting married I don't want to ruin it by telling him the truth. I just have to swallow my guilt and bury it deep. 

"Please say yes Lorelai. We can call Rory and April on the way there and see if they want to go and celebrate it with us."

That's so like Luke. To be thoughtful enough to think that our daughters might want to be included. I wasn't even thinking about Rory. 

"Wait there," I say, running inside to put on my shoes. As I'm pulling them over my heel I see my beautiful wedding dress hanging. I grab it and run back out to Luke who has his forehead in his hands. He must think that I don't want to go through with it. I run over to the car and drape the dress over some boxes he has stacked in the back seat. Then I race back inside to get my heels and my mothers tiara. After placing those in his car as well I see Luke's face light up. I cup his cheeks with my hands and kiss him passionately. 

"I love you Lorelai Gilmore."

"I love you more Luke Daines."

Then we get into the car, Luke starts the engine, I take a few sips on coffee and then start dialling Rory's phone number. 

AUTHORS NOTE: Let me know if you'd like a part 2!

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