She was pregnant (part 2)

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AUTHOR's NOTE: Perspective of Rory 

AUTHORS NOTE: Check out my story Opened if you want to read an original story by me about friendship, love and the danger's of social media :)

I'm standing outside of my grandparents house wondering whether or not to go in. I know how disappointed they'll be of me but there's a possibility that they'll help me raise the baby so I can still go to college. I knock on the door.

"Rory!" my grandma exclaims as she opens the door, throwing her arms around me. 

"Hi grandma, can we talk?"

"Of course Rory, Your grandpa isn't here tonight so we can talk as long as you want to."

"Well you see, mum and I got into a big fight."

"Oh no, what happened."

"Well remember that night of the school dance how I didn't come home that night."

"Yes and I already told you that I forgive you..."

"Grandma I'm pregnant."

She sits there stunned, not saying a word. I don't blame her. I barely believe it myself. 

"You should really talk to your mother about this. She sure has experience with it."

"Grandma please. Can I move in here. You and grandpa can help me raise the baby so I can still go to college."

"Rory, you are such a gifted girl. Why you would to mess that up I will never understand. I'll talk to your grandpa and if he agrees then I'll agree with one more condition."

"Of course, anything."

"You and Dean must get married."

What if...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن