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Nobody Pov.....

They had the place surrounded. He had her in a warehouse in the next city over. "Savoir ima need you to stay here." Matthews said.

"I can't Mat. That's my girl and child in there. I can't." He said.

Naomi stood with her arms tied in front of her. He stood behind her looking out the window at all the police who stood there with a microphone.

"See what you did, this could have been all avoided." Shawn whispered. Pushing her out the door they stood outside the building.

Savoir locked eyes immediately with Naomi who cried quietly.  
"Shawn, we need you to go ahead and pass her over." Matthews yelled.

"Please Shawn don't." She said.

Walking further up savoir couldn't hear anything. It was like everything was in slow motion.

"Just let her go man. Just let.her.go." Savoir said.

Turning around she hit him in the face with her tied hands. Turning she began to run towards Savoir.

He smiled running towards. She stopped mid way. Trying to catch her breath she just lost. Dropping to her knees.

Savoir cried, looking up seeing Shawn with his smoking pointing straight at her. Pulling their guns out the police shot him.

"Nai...naomi. baby it's okay, it's okay mama." Savoir cried. Putting pressure on her chest. Hearing the ambulance pull up he kept the pressure.

"I'm sorry..I love you so much, make sure the baby okay. It hurts so much. Oh my Tyler he probably worried out his mind." She mumbled her eyes getting heavy. The EMTs put her on the gurny(irk how to spell that lmao) putting her inside the ambulance.


When he got to the hospital they rushing her in. "Where losing her! We have to get the baby out Now!" They said.

He watch them take her into the emergency room. "Sir you can't come back here, ill keep you updated, I know it's hard right now but we have to do our job." A nurse told him.

Waiting in the waiting room he heard different voice all around him. He couldn't lose his child. He knew if he did that break Naomi. Rushing in the whole family was there from Her mom to his mom.

"Aww baby!" Everyone hugging him. Tyler stood back waiting for everyone to move before he climb up on him hugging him tightly.

Hours past which felt like days to them. Nobody still hadn't came out. Lamar sat on the floor with Nae sitting on his lap.

Gio leaned up against the wall fiddling with the rolled up stress blunt he needed at this moment. Tyler stayed in Saviors arms playing with his chain.

Hearing and seeing the doors open, a doctor came out approaching them.

"Family of Naomi." He said.

They all stood in front waiting to hear what he had to say.

"With everything going on it was complicated, meaning it was to the point we only had to save one......and um.." he cleared his throat.

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Okay bye...🏃🚶ima head out.

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