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Excuse Mistakes


"Daddy's ice." Jay said. They were at his condo with both her uncle Sav.

"Yea mamas come on." He said getting up immediately. Savoir laughed at how fast his brother move for her. She cried, slept, popped, anything he was on her. She had him wrapped.

Taking her dress off he put his t-shirt over her. "This so Ya mama won't kill me for ruining ya clothes." He said.

Sitting her in her high chair he walked back to the couch.

"Gio out hea a whole dad." Sav said.

"I know....And I'm in love. She so sweet and cute, and she love me she always excited when I come around." He said smiling.

"I see Ya happy, but how u doing with the whole Kim situation." He asked.

"To be honest. Ion even care. It's like Jay just came and took my mind off it. I'm good. She text to apologize and meet but, I told her I'm with my daughter right now." He shrugged.

"Well you good, I'm good." He said.

"DA!" Jay yelled. And he got up with the quickness.


"Stinky feet huh." Gio laughed tickling her feet. It was just them now. He had turnt on Bubble Guppies for her. It was 9:30pm and he was worn out.

They are pizza, ice cream, played all day, took a nap, ate some more, he gave her a bath, and now their here.

"I love you Jay. You came in the right time. ima give you the world and more. I promise." He said.

"DADA!" She said laying on his chest with her sippy cup. Pulling the covers over them he got comfortable watching the cartoon with her.



"Can I get these noonie." Tyler asked.

"Get 5 pairs of shoes, and some sweats and sweaters and a 3 shirts. " She said they where currently in Kid footlocker. They had been shopping for clothes and house things.

"I'm proud of you boo." Nae said. She was happy her friend expanded.

"Aww thanks..I'm trying Ya know." She said. She really was. She knew she had to on top of everything for Tyler. And for herself.

"Wassup with you and Lamar."

"He asked me to move in...I said yes, but next month tho. He really makes me happy." She said.

"Well if you happy, I'm ha-

"Hey Naomi." Shawn stood right in front of us.

"Oh hey. What u doing here." Noticing Nae walked over to Tyler.

"Shoes....you storm out of my office in a rush the other day." He said stepping closer.

"I can't see you anymore. We shouldn't of never had sex but I'm seeing someone and I want them. Sorry." She shrugged.

"I love you Naomi." He sighed.

"Look I gotta go." She said walking away. Looking behind her he was gone.

"You good?" Nae asked.

'Yea I'm fine." She smiled.

Just a lil short chapter.

Dave East having another daughter :) he really a girl dad. People really lying he got a son on the way. Like if u pregnant why would u be drinking n smoking, and y'all know Dave been dying for a son.

The way I'm ending this book......y'all gonna be mad.

Peep Shawn in love after getting some of the coochie

Gio such a good father...but peep what I'm about to do tho..😬

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