The Preparations.

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Kayden and Olivia both texted their respective friends to come over after school so they could talk. They spent most of the day holding each other and just being close. "I can't bear the thought of burying you", Olivia said, but it was muffled as Kayden's wrist was in front o her mouth. Kayden nodded, "I can't really wrap around my head around it either". Kayden needed to start planning as soon as possible, so he was going to start the next time he throws up. Which would be in the next five seconds. Kayden got up as quick as he could and ran to the bathroom. Kayden collapsed in front of the bowl and let what was left in his stomach out. This made Olivia upset and she started crying immediately. She had no idea how she was going to get through this.

As requested, Mitchell, Rob, Eve, Skylar came over. Kayden held Olivia's hand and rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand. "This must be serious", Mitchell said, "What's up?". Kayden cleared his throat as silence surrounded them. "I have stage four pancreatic cancer", Kayden said, "I have no options for treatment". Skylar put hands on her head, Rob gasped, Mitchell had no words and Eve just started crying. "Oh my god", Skylar said, bringing Olivia in for a hug. "We got you dude", Rob said, wiping away tears. "It's okay", Kayden said, forcing a smile, "I won't go quietly". 

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