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When history was finally over, Kayden, Rob, and Mitchell burst out the door. "Damn", Rob said, standing outside the door, "That class". Mitchell smiled and Kayden couldn't believe what he had been through. In that class, they hadn't talked about WW2. Instead, they watched the three rap battles Epic Rap Battles had done about Hitler and Darth Vader. "I can't believe you guys convinced me to change because you got kicked out", Mitchell said, rolling his eyes. "The second bell rang for people to get to class. Rob had maths, Mitchell had chemistry and Kayden had English. "I'll see you, bitches, later", Rob said, saluting his two friends with his index and middle fingers. "See you later", Mitchell said, going the opposite way, leaving Kayden was stood in the middle as his two friends departed. Kayden descended the stairs and headed to English.

Skylar, Eve and Olivia all headed to their respected classes. "I love Mr. Bell", Eve said, "He makes history so interesting". Skylar gently pushed her friend, "Oh please", she started, "He was only trying to seem cool in front of the new kids". "I've seen those kids around actually", Olivia said, "One of them got suspended last year, didn't they?". "Yes!", Skylar said exclaiming, "That big guy, Rob, he flshed some cheerleaders uniform down the toilet. Couch found out and slapped him with a two-week ban". "This is where I get off the gossip train", Olivia said, stopping at the blue door into English. "See you later then", Eve said, giving Olivia a high five. "Bye", Skylar said, smiling and turning around to leave for art. Eve was off to maths.

When Olivia entered the classroom she sat in her usual spot, by the window so she could get fresh air and not smell Mr. Smiths's awful sour cream and onion pringles that always reeked from his desk at the top of the classroom. She pitied any kid that was put at the top of the class and would have to smell them. Mr. Smith was a good teacher, his food choices where debatable though. The bell rang and Mr. Smith came in with his signature purple scarf around his neck and glass of water. "Okay kids", he said, putting his glass of water on the desk, "Today we are going to the library because we are going to start a project!". There were a lot of groans from around the classroom. "This will be fun!", Mr. Smith insisted, "Now, let's get going!". Olivia, unlike her classmates, loved projects. She was hesitant about what Mr. Smith would choose and who she would be paired with. Mr. Smith loved pair-work.

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