Oh Jesus Christ

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Olivia and her friends searched every single street they passed on the way to school. Every time they didn't spot him, Olivia's heart sank a little further down. She just wanted him t show up and be safe, but for now, it didn't look it was going to happen. "I think we should get the police involved", Rob suggested, stopping in the street and looking at the blue sky. "We'll get to the school", Olivia said, "And if he isn't there, we'll get the police involved". They all agreed on this and continued searching. The school was only two streets away, Olivia hoped Kayden was there. 

Olivia, Mitchell, Rob, Skylar, and Eve all approached the school with their hearts in their mouths. They walked fast out of anxiety as they wanted their friend to be safe. Rob wasn't looking where he was going and bumped into somebody. "Sorry", Rob said, not looking who it was as he just kept walking. "Is a sorry all I get?", the person said after Rob. Rob looked behind him and his eyes lit up; It was Kayden. "Oh Jesus Christ", Rob said, running back to Kayden and giving him a rib-crushing hug. The rest of the group turned around to see what Rob was up to and smiles immediately appeared on their faces. "You gave us all heart attacks dude", Mitchell said, hugging Kayden after Rob. "Do you care to tell us where you've been for the last eighteen hours?", Skylar asked. Kayden sucked air between his teeth, "The police came to the school, Gavin reported me to the police and I had to answer questions". Olivia made her way up to Kayden and they kissed and hugged. "You scared the daylights out of me", she said, "I'm glad your safe". "My mom kicked me out last night", Kayden said, "I slept outside the school, I don't want to be a mooch but could I live with you for a bit?". "Yes", Olivia answered without even thinking. They were all glad Kayden was okay, but that would drastically change as soon as the happiness came. 

Holding On For SomethingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora