Get To Know

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Olivia watched as this scrawny kid pulled a chair over to where she was. He sat down and pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Alright guys", Mr. Smith shouted, "Let's get this project going! I am not going to assign you a poet and let you choose one for yourselves". He took a deep breath before continuing, "Please pick someone interesting and not someone generic such as Robert Frost or W.B. Yeats. Pick someone inspiring". And with Mr. Smith's lecture over, the pairs started discussing who they would do. "So", Olivia said, making eye contact with Kayden, "Do you have any preference on who we should do?". Kayden shrugged, looking down at the ground, "I don't mind, you can choose". Olivia wasn't keen on poetry, but she paid enough attention to know who was interesting and who wasn't. "Let's do Slyvia Plath", she said, making the decision, "There's a movie on her life so we can watch that". Kayden looked up, "Sure, we can do her". "We can start the project today", Olivia suggested, "You can come over to mine and we can watch the movie and take notes". "Okay", Kayden said, a little smile growing on his face. Thye both started to get to know each other and with each line, they started to relax a bit more. The bell went and to Olivia and Kayden, it felt like five minutes. The kids all left the library and went to their next class. Kayden had P.E., Olivia had Maths.

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