Is This Real?

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Olivia woke up in her room next to Kayden. She didn't remember getting here, but she lay back down and as close to Kayden as she could without disturbing him. Her heart started beating again once she saw his chest was rising up and down. Olivia checked the time on her phone and saw it was nine-forty. She assumed her parenst let her stay home with Kayden for whatever time they had left. Her mind raced, how was she ging to tell Skylar and Eve, or Rob and Mitchell. She looked up at the ceiling and tried to get back to sleep but she couldn't. Olivia wanted to stay numb and just close her eyes and not wake up. She wanted to be with Kayden forever.

Barkley started scratching at the door which made Olivia get up, get dressed and take him for a walk. She wasn't walking for five minutes before she started crying. "This is not okay", she said, wiping tears away as she walked with Barkley who looked concerned. "Why does God have to take the good one's away and not serial killers or pedophiles?". She sat on a tree stump with Barkley on her lap. She stayed there until she got too cold and walked home. It was terrible but she half-expected Kayden to be dead. Olivia couldn't be more happier when she saw him sitting on the couch. "How are you?", he said with a comforting smile on his face. Olivia didn't even try to hide she had been crying. Kayden opened his arms for her in which she crawled into. "Is this real?", she asked, tears in her eyes. Kayden kissed her forehad and tried soothing his distruaght girlfriend. "I really wish it wasn't", he whispered, "But I'll make every second count. I promise". They both looked into each other's eyes; It couldn't end like this, no. Kayden had a very small idea and he needed to think it through some more. But it was there only option to ultimatly spend as much time with eachother as possible. He would reveal the plan later. 

Holding On For SomethingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora