Reality Stinks

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Trigger warning, mention of abuse

Kayden started heading back to his house around ten. He loved having an escape in Olivia from his crappy life. She was the only light for him in his usual dark realm. He couldn't get enough of her and she couldn't get enough of him. When Kayden headed up his drive he could already hear shouting. His mom already had a new boyfriend while his dad had moved elsewhere. Bridget's new boyfriend, Gavin, was a strung-out metalhead who was in a Slayer cover band called, "Still Reigning". He smoked weed with his mom and his friends and was often abusive when he was high. He could hear them arguing from the garden. When Kayden got in a plate was thrown at his head. "This kid!", Gavin shouted, "This kid is such a failure! Can't you teach him a curfew!". Kayden knew he was just high but he pushed past the thin thirty-six-year old waste of life with pubes for a beard. "Shut up", Kayden said, going to his room, trying to hide from the fight. 

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