Happiness Followed By Sadness

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When school let out, Oliva and Kayden walked back to her house. Kayden didn't even bother going back to his mom's for clothes. He decided he would get some new ones when it was the weekend. "I'm so glad your okay", Olivia said, fumbling with the front door key, "You gave us all a scare". "I won't do it again. I promise", he said as Olivia opened the door. They both dumped their bags in the hallway and went to the living room. Olivia didn't want to let him go. They watched movies and laughed and kissed in-between. Halfway through, "Birdemic", Olivia got a phone call from her dad saying he would be home tonight and if they wanted him to pick up pizza for dinner. "I hope your dad is cool with me staying over for a bit", Kayden said, nerves in his voice. Olivia smiled, "He really likes you", she said. They resumed making out.

Jared returned at around six with pizza from Dominos. "Eat up guys", he said, "Mom isn't home so we can eat as much as we want". Olivia and Kayden smiled. They all got plates and ate pizza and talked about the day. Jared told a funny story about a man that came into the hospital who had glued his hands together while doing some DIY. "It took an hour to unstick his hands", Jared said, "He was very thankful". Kayden smiled, but then felt incredibly sick. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. Jared looked at Olivia, "Nothing to be worried about", he said, "We all lose our phone sometimes". The light-hearted mood was killed however when Jared heard the familiar sound of someone throwing up. "Everything okay, Kayden?", Jared asked. They could hear the toilet flush and the door unlock. "Yeah", he answered, "It's fine it happens all the time". That made Jared's doctor bells go off. "Is it okay if we take a spin to the hospital?", he asked. "Ugh, sure", Kayden said. Jared got his car keys and Kayden got his shoes on. "I advise you stay here, Olivia", Jared said, "We'll be back soon".

They drove to the hospital and Jared got Kayden booked in for a MRI and ultrasound. Jared really hoped it wasn't what he thought. Kayden stayed still for the MRI and the ultrasound. Jared studied the imaging and his thoghts were confirmed. His eyes teared up and he looked at the results. "Shit", he said under his breath. Kayden was reading a magazine when Jared approached him. "I'm very sorry", Jared said, "You have stage four pancreatic cancer. We can't cure you". All Kayden coud hear was white noise; He was going to die. 

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