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Before Kayden got to English, he had to take a detour to the bathroom as he felt his stomach disagreeing with him. Knowing this feeling, he had to get to the bathroom as quick as possible. He made it in time and got sick down the toilet. After flushing his not so nice sight he produced down the toilet, he washed his hands in the sink and splashed water in his face. "What's wrong with me?", he asked himself, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He figured he had enough time for contemplation later as he knew he would be grounded and he left once again for English. He got there to hear they would be going to the library. He made his way down to the run-down library and he got first to pick of seats. Kayden sat in the big green, cushiony chairs that everyone fought over as the normal black chairs were uncomfortable and uneven. He dumped his school bag beside the leg of the chair and onto the library's carpeted ground. Mr. Smith burst through the double doors with his purple scarf still around his neck. "Ah, hello Kayden", he said, "Decided to join us did you?". "I was coming to class and I heard you say you were going down to the library so I just came down", he explained. Mr. Smith nodded. Everyone took a seat and waited for Mr. Smith's next instruction.

Once everyone was settled the pairing process began. Mr. Smith took out his list and everyone groaned. Mr. Smith had taken note of who everyone had been with before and made sure he didn't put the same people together again. "Okay", Mr. Smith said, after refreshing his mind with the previous pairings. "Let's start off with Max and Alex". Kayden looked at the tow boys who high fived. Kayden laughed to himself, he knew those two were stoners and wouldn't get any work done. "Next up", he shouted, totally ignoring the whisper sign, "Kayden and Olivia". Kayden looked over at the girl he thought was Olivia and she was looking around the room for him. "Joseph and Randy, Leah and Mike and then Jack and Michell". Mr. Smith loved seeing the confusion on his student's faces. "The project", he started, "Will be on poets! Each group will have a poet and this will be due two weeks Wednesday!". Everyone buddied up with their partner. Kayden knew this was going to be awkward, he had never spoken a word to this girl and vice versa. He hated Mr. Smith sometimes.

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