Death Is Certain But In Different Way Than Expected Part 1

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Kayden couldn't believe what he had just heard; He had a deadly disease and he couldn't be cured. He just sat in the back chair for a while, processing everything. Jared sat beside him, "Do you want me to break the news to Olivia?", he asked. Kayden didn't respond for a minute, and then he understood the question. "No", he answered, "I'll do it". Jared nodded, "I'll give you a few minutes to gather yourself before we leave". Jared got up and left Kayden to get himself up and ready. Kayden felt like he had dug his own grave and was going to die without his mom and dad beside him. He didn't want to die alone, he was determined not to. He peeled himself off the chair and stood up. Kayden was terrified, he had no future. 

When Jared and Kayden returned, Olivia was relieved. Jared hugged his daughter and then went into the living room to watch some NBA highlights from the week. Kayden sat in the back of the car, he was looking at Olivia. He couldn't find the right words or the right way to say it. Kayden saw Olivia approaching the car and he opened the door so they could talk. "You okay?", she asked, a small smile on her face to try to comfort him. Kayden felt his eyes tearing up and kept his eyes plastered to the ground. "You know I love you", he began, "And what I'm about to say is going to destroy you". Olivia didn't like the sound like that and her stomach filled with dread. "I have cancer", Kayden said, "Stage 4, pancreatic. I have literally no time". Olivia couldn't believe what her eardrums had just processed. She started crying and Kayden held her. "I want to spend as much time with you as possible", he said, "But it won't be forever". This made Olivia cry harder. Kayden didn't even realize it, but he was crying as well. They both felt numb. Kayden had to try come up with something, he needed to. 

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