Can't Win

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When Kayden got home, he could already feel his mom's eyes burning into him. He opened the door and entered the quiet house. Kayden knew his parents were waiting for him in the kitchen. "Kayden", his dad, Conner called, "Come in here a minute". Kayden cursed himself and walked into the kitchen where his mom and dad where sitting, waiting for him. "Come and sit", Bridget, his mom said, trying to be calm. "I'm sorry I'm late", Kayden apologized, "I had to do a school project".  "You could at least give us a text to tell us what you're doing kiddo", Conner said. "I know", Kayden said, "I'm sorry". There was a tense atmosphere in the room, like an elephant in the room no one was addressing. "We have something we need to tell you", Bridget said, looking down at the yellow table cover. Kayden had thought of what it might be but didn't bring it up and let his parents tell him. "We are not happy living together anymore", Conner said, "So we are separating". This announcement hit Kayden like a sucker punch, and he needed to get sick. "I'll be right back", Kayden said, getting up and running to the bathroom and let his stomach explode into the toilet bowl. He couldn't win.

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