Dresses and Lingerie

Start from the beginning

“What do you think your doing? Do you want people to get photos of us together?!?!” She ran away to go and find Eleanor. The hand that he had reached out clenched into a fist and he shoved it into his pocket. He walked over to the cash register with the dress in the hand. The girl gave him an odd look but when he smiled her emotion quickly changed. When he finished paying he grabbed the bag and walked to the door.

He saw Eleanor with her hands full of bags, and Dylan trying to help. “Aw great Harry you bought a little something for yourself?” El smiled.

“Not exactly.” He passed the bag to Dylan and he watched Eleanor’s face light up.

“He bought you something?!” She was about to jump up and down but Dylan was quick to stop her.

“I told him not to but that apparently had no effect.” She whispered.

Eleanor frowned and hit her playfully, “Dylie! He was being the amazingly nice guy he usually is. You should thank him.”

Dylan looked up at Harry and smiled awkwardly and whispered a thank you. They walked out of the shop and down the way to Ann Summers. If Harry didn’t feel awkward buying a dress he was about to pour over with awkwardness. When they got inside Dylan began to look at all the different bras and panties. Eleanor came beside Harry and whispered, “Whatever she picks I will hand to you and you buy it for her. It will work out for both of you.”

“She is not going to accept anymore from me.” He dropped his head.

“Don’t worry I have a plan for that.” She walked up to Dylan and began to help her pick out different pieces.

Dylan smiled and handed them to El, “You need to try these on! Louis would not know what hit him.” Dy winked at El.

“Those are def more your style. Dylie you have to try them on. Harry come and help Dylie try these on.” She waved him over to a saleswoman and asked for a changing room. The woman led Dylan and Harry to the dressing rooms. She opened one of the doors and put Dylan’s picks on the wall wall hanger and walked away. Dylan just looked at them standing outside the door.

Harry walked up behind her and laughed, “Are you going to try them on?”

“If I try them on, I will want them. If I want them you will buy them. And if you buy them I will be more in your debt.” She turned towards him. He had not realized how close he was until she turned around and his lips gently grazed her forehead. He took a step back.

“How about if you promise to try them on, I promise not to buy them for you?” he smirked.

“And if I don’t?” She raised an eyebrow.

“I will buy every single one and bring them on our trip this weekend.” He took a step back to sit on the leather booth when he saw Eleanor’s head pop out from the front of the shop.

“What are you two doing this weekend?” Her smile was wide and her eyes were sparkling.

“Visiting his folks,” Dylan answered.

 “Well then if he is not allowed to buy you anything I will.” Eleanor pushed Dy into the room and shut the door. She hollered through the door, “Now try those on!” Eleanor winked at Harry as she walked away.

He heard Dy groan behind the door but then the obvious sound of clacking hangers. After a few moments he heard her huff, “Are you the only one out there?” he heard her ask.

He looked around, “The only one I can see.”

“I’m coming out” she spoke so softly.

“I am waiting” he leaned forward and heard the door creak open. That’s when she walked out in a baby blue bra that had white lace ruffles. The underwear was the same baby blue. She turned a bit to look at herself and then he caught the back of the underwear was mesh and he could see right through. “Holy shit.” He could feel a huge smile on his face.

“That bad?” She looked into the mirror.

“No way,” He stood up and walked over to her, “I could do you right now in that”

She smirked and played with the collar of his shirt, “Oh really?” He nodded. She looked around and then the same collar she had just been playing with was now being grabbed and pulled into the dressing room. Her lips crashed onto his. And his hands began to roam her body. He was not about to have this moment spoiled by someone knocking on the and quickly let his hand go under the elastic of her underwear.

They will do it anywhere won't they?!?!

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