Lovely Distraction

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Jungkook Bonus Ending

Did the Prince of Mars really have to dedicate his life to making you suffer? He seemed determined to do so. While you were close to the young Prince, that didn't stop you from feeling irritated with him from time to time. Specifically when he showed up to your palace unannounced just to 'seduce' you. He affectionately called it bonding while you considered it a nuisance. Jungkook was making it a habit to flirt with you all the time. He loved getting reactions out of you. Anything from you getting flustered to you getting angry with him. What was his deal? You really thought this whole flirting game of his would be a thing of the past or at the very least be kept minimal.

The two of you had planets to look after. You figured he wouldn't keep this flirting thing going for too much. All of you were in the public eye and that only added pressure when silly gossip went around the system. There's already some gossip paper talking about the tension between you and Prince Yoongi. Lovely. That was nonexistent! The most you ever did with Yoongi was make out with him when the two of you were drunk. That was another kiss added to your list of embarrassing moments. You've already kissed two guys yet have never had a boyfriend. That only made you want to settle down with someone more than ever. You wanted something serious and the main guy throwing himself at you was definitely not that.

Jungkook has told you before that he would settle down with you. He considered himself a part of the marriage competition, but you weren't so sure about giving him a chance. As handsome, funny, nice, and understanding as he weren't sure. You couldn't really face him after that whole Yoongi incident that happened six months ago. Yoongi didn't take it personally when you told him that it was a drunk kiss and nothing more. The other Princes were also drunk so they didn't give you a hard time for it. As much as Taehyung wanted to strangle Yoongi, he didn't. Jungkook thought he would be feeling anger or jealousy, but he didn't.

He was gloomy for a period of time. It threw you off to see him with less fire. His strong personality was dimmer than usual. Jungkook was like that for a while before he got tired of feeling that way. He wanted to bounce back up onto his feet and he did. His let his competitive nature take over and that's what you've been dealing with. Jungkook is constantly putting the moves on you. There is never a moment where he doesn't slide in to flirt. You used to humor him until it became an annoyance more than anything. The skeletons already knew how fed up you were with the Martian Prince. They offered to deal with him, but it's better you handle him.

"It doesn't have to be in a bed," Jungkook said as you felt your eye twitch.

"You've said that how many times before?" You asked. That got him to chuckle, a smug look still on his face. Jungkook had come to your palace yet again to bother you while you worked. It was nothing extremely important and maybe you would have put it off for later if he came to spend actual time with you. Instead he wanted to flirt and get you in bed so obviously you have chosen to bury yourself in work. There wasn't even that much to do. All you wanted was for Jungkook to take a hint. Either knock it off or leave. That clearly didn't go through to him since he was still hanging around you while saying those things. "Look Jungkook, I'm busy. Can you leave?"

"What? But I just got here." Jungkook grabbed one of the folders out from your hands. Tightening your jaw, you did your best to remain calm. He was flipping through the papers before slapping it back on the table. "It doesn't look like that much. I can help you out."

"Help me out? Really?" You raised a brow at him in disbelief.

"I am a royal too, (F/n)." Jungkook scoffed.

"It's easy to forget when you're more focused on what's up my dress than your own planet." You rolled your eyes. That's just how you felt. You didn't mean for it to be so rude, but the blunt words came out naturally with how frustrated you were. They were quick to make the black hair stay still. His eyes narrowed down on you behind his red tinted fringe.

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