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Practicing with your power was going pretty well. The control you had over it impressed your mother considering how long you've had it awakened for. It's only been a couple of weeks since you've had your power come out and when you've truly accepted things. Now that you were over that huge hurtle in your life, you were a lot happier. Things were making much more sense and you were embracing it all without looking back. That's what made things like your power almost become second nature. With your determination, you put all your effort and energy into gaining control over your power. There would be no losing control over it anymore under your watch.

The Princes were proud of you for how well you were doing. Most of them. You weren't exactly sure what Yoongi and Jungkook thought about it. Jungkook probably didn't care too much. It was only natural that you would try to get a grip over your power. Knowing Yoongi's feelings towards you though, you're sure he would twist it to believe you were mastering to kill him with it. You'll let him believe what he wants but you're surprised he hasn't gotten it through his head already that you don't want him dead. Even with your power, you're still very harmless towards Yoongi. The most you'll hurt him is with your fists and legs if you really have to. Using your power on any of them was off limits even if your Mother didn't trust that rule you made with yourself.

She could still be pretty iffy about the Princes. You couldn't really judge her about that even though you wanted her to loosen up. She was still on edge after so many years of war and from the mistreatment of the other planets. You weren't here to see what she did or experience what she did. The most you could do was try to understand her. Mother was already putting trust in you by believing the Princes meant it when they said that they want peace and would be willing to make amends. It was huge effort on her part, but you knew there would still be some things that would have to be taken slowly. You just hope that she can learn to lower her guard down soon to the other planets.

The reason you were thinking about this more than ever was because you were back on Pluto. It felt great to be back. While you were here, you went towards the pomegranate garden and you've been practicing your power. A skeleton applauded you so you were feeling really good about that. You were happy up until your Mother asked you if you've had to use it against any of the boys. No. Luckily you have not needed to use it nor would you want to. You were hoping for silence after that, but Mother decided to remind you that it was not a matter of want but rather of need. The power was for protection of yourself, your people, and your planet. You really felt otherwise about it.

"I'm only saying this for your wellbeing, (F/n). You can never know if giving them your full trust is a good idea," Mother said as a pomegranate lost its shape and became deformed in your palm. "It's better to stay on edge since you did say that there have been murder attempts against you."

"Only by two of them, Eomeoni." You sighed heavily as you tossed the pomegranate away from you. A skeleton rattled as it walked over to clean it up. "They haven't even made attempts lately."

"Are you telling the truth?" Mother crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes on you.

"Uh...just threats." You grabbed another pomegranate. That answer wasn't really any better in her eyes. You should have figured as such. Mother has been super nervous lately. She was always pacing around like right now. She was fiddling with her shawl, sighing heavily as she shook her head.

"I'm worried for your safety, (F/n). Have you finished what you left behind on Earth?" Mother asked. "I'd feel reassured if you stayed here with me on Pluto already."

"Not yet. I still need more time," You told her. Mother let out another sigh as she looked off to the side. She hasn't told you directly, but you were certain she was paranoid of you dying because Father did. You were all that was left of the bloodline Hades created. You were meant to carry it on with whoever you chose to marry and have kids with. That much you knew, but you weren't too worried about dying. You were confident in living. "I know you don't fully trust the Princes and I understand that. You've never even met them before."

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