Blooming Love

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Taehyung Bonus Ending

There was glitter literally everywhere. The shiny pink substance covered your grey monochromatic palace faster than you had hoped. Thanks to the invitation, it was all over your fingers and also nicely decorated the skeletons. It had gotten on them when trying to pass the invitation over to you. Pink glitter now laid on their skulls which they didn't do anything about. You suppose they could use the color. They went about their own business while you struggled as glitter kept getting all over the place. Did there really have to be so much? Still, it was very much Taehyung's style so you should have been prepared for this much extra effort from him. It was pink everything from the envelope, the glitter, and the ink.

An invitation had been sent by Taehyung. He was inviting you to a boys' night plus one girl sleepover. Right away it got you intrigued and excited. It wasn't always easy for the eight of you to spend time together as just young adults. These days it would always be about work. That was to be expected though. Ruling over planets naturally wasn't going to be an easy task. Anytime you got the chance to hang out with the boys for fun, you took it. You were always so desperate for these moments which you knew they felt the same about. All of you were close friends after all. This made you grateful towards Taehyung for setting up a special little event for the group.

With no time to waste, you were already packing for the sleepover. You were ecstatic about the entire thing. You just knew that all of you were going to have a fun time. Taehyung throws the best sleepovers, hands down! No one could host a better one than him. That being said, you really hoped that no one would bring up work at the sleepover. Namjoon better not bring up work or else he was going to get it from you. Then knowing Taehyung, he'd probably give Namjoon his own dramatic scolding. He would never let anyone sour the mood with work of all things at his sleepover. He'd absolutely lose it and no one wants to make Taehyung upset for the sake of their sanity.

Honestly, another reason you were looking forward to the sleepover was because of how close Taehyung and you had gotten. It was incredibly different from how the two of you started out. Whenever you got tired of all the testosterone you were constantly smothered by and needed to release some estrogen, Taehyung received it best. He was more in tune with his feminine side than the others. He was a lot more understanding whenever you were on your period, that's for sure. Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook liked to pretend it never existed. They refused to talk about it and were clearly uncomfortable. Seokjin and Jimin did their best to be kind, but it was obvious how clueless they were. Taehyung was a life saver since he sent Venusian sweets along with herbal medicine to help with cramps. You had no choice, but to go to his sleepover.

You were all packed for it despite it not even being tonight. It wouldn't be for a couple days. Maybe you were too eager, but you had reason to be. You just couldn't exactly explain why you were giggling as you packed things into a bag. The skeletons had been watching you prepare for the slumber party. They were viewing in interest when they noted that their Queen's ears were turning red. For any specific reason? They had a feeling on what it could be. Luckily they left it at that as you looked forward to meeting the rest of the boys on Venus in a few days. This is much better than talking through letters.

The excitement never left you. It was still pumping through you as you stood in Venus. Now you were finally in front of the Venusian palace doors. The rest of the boys made it at the same time as you, the seven of you waiting outside. All of you were wearing your pajamas in your own monochromatic colors. In your opinion, you all looked cute. Taehyung must have thought the same from the moment he opened the doors. A loud squeal left him before he ushered everyone inside. Mother Venus no longer lived in the palace and Father Venus now lived on Mercury. He still visited Taehyung and kept in touch with Father Mercury. It wasn't perfect, but it was better.

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