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There was a broken feeling Jimin felt inside himself. His best friend was getting beat with no mercy and he didn't show up until the damage was done. He couldn't even imagine how things would have gone if Jungkook and Yoongi successfully killed Taehyung. The idea only made Jimin shiver and cry harder. He was holding on tightly to Taehyung. He was still knocked out completely, his blood dry by this point on his body. The body that Taehyung treated like a temple and took care of was bruised and ruined. Jimin couldn't imagine ever forgiving those two. Not now. If Taehyung hadn't said anything then he possibly would have killed those two Princes. Jimin didn't care in the moment. He would have declared war with Saturn and Mars after burning their Princes from the inside out. He was going to show them not to mess with a true Jovian.

The only reason those two felt confident in attacking Taehyung was because he didn't have an alliance with a Jovian. That's why Jungkook asked Jimin. It had the blonde's vision blurred by tears. His words were what put Taehyung in danger. They put a target on Taehyung's back more than ever. They really thought that no one would come to save Taehyung. That no one would be there for him. Jimin was dragging his feet, crying heavily as he moved closer towards his dorm building. They really believed that no one cared about Taehyung. They thought it would be easy to kill Taehyung and for everyone to keep living life as normal. For them to think that...Jimin was struggling to hold Taehyung up all by himself. He couldn't stop hurting for the Prince of Venus.

"H-How long have you lived such a lonely life?" Jimin's voice was delicate as a butterfly. He stared at Taehyung's face. If his chest wasn't rising, he would have looked dead. Jimin bit his lip in disbelief, shaking his head profusely.

Just the other night Taehyung was putting a mask on his face and telling Jimin all about how he was avoiding acne scars and making sure his pores were nonexistent. Those things didn't really matter to Jimin, but they began to matter because Taehyung cared about them. Anything Taehyung was passionate about became an interest for Jimin. He admired how strongly Taehyung took care of himself. Making sure he was entirely groomed with soft skin and not a single blemish in sight. Not a scratch. But now there were nail marks, bruised skin, and Jimin was certain that Jungkook had broken Taehyung's nose. The amount of pain Taehyung must be in...Jimin cried out once more, trying to keep his power under control that was begging to slip out again.

There was a reason Jimin hardly used his ability to control lightning. There was so much more to it. Electricity left his body in large amounts, sparking into lightning and even commanding it from the clouds above. His power could cause so much destruction if he lost control. Jimin had it mastered for the sake of taming it and not harming others. But he knew he would use it if he ever needed to. And he needed to in that moment. Mustering up all the strength Zeus had given, Jimin felt it in his blood as he wreaked havoc to this campus. After all that he was drained, struggling to keep Taehyung's heavy body in his arms as he moved forward.

Jimin felt like he had been walking for ages when he finally arrived in front of the dorm building. He slowed down, pausing to hear the sound of water dripping off the ledge to hit a puddle on the cement. As he looked up, he was immediately met with three other faces. Each of them staring speechlessly and in shock. Hoseok was the first to run over, taking Taehyung in his arms as Jimin cried out and fell to his knees from agony. This time Seokjin walked over to help his friend walk. He could only imagine how emotionally hurt Jimin felt. A close friend so badly hurt like that. Seokjin just knew that Jimin didn't even use all of his power. That energy was halfway at most. Whoever Jimin was attacking, he gave them mercy whether they deserved it or not.

The five of them entered the dorm building. Hoseok was wasting no time to rush up the stairs to bring Taehyung to his dorm. He would be more comfortable resting on a bed. The brunette winced at the sight of Taehyung. With how swollen his face was becoming, he would almost be unrecognizable if it weren't for his red hair. Hoseok didn't expect to feel a sting in his heart. The fact that he spoke with Taehyung earlier today and now look at him...Taehyung may be annoying, but he didn't deserve this. Hoseok regretted every time he threatened to harm Taehyung even if it was just to get the boy to shut up. He was only encouraging an unsafe mindset for those who had something against Taehyung. It made him feel guilty. Who did this to him?

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