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When you told them to leave, you knew there would be nothing to keep you occupied at Kuiper. They told you they wouldn't be sure when they would be back and all those things. They were unsure about leaving you alone while you kept shooing them away. All you did was encourage them to leave which they did. Now you were alone and proving your original thoughts to be right. You were bored. Bored out of your mind and there wasn't really anything that you could do about it. This was inevitable seeing as you were left with nothing to do and no one to even talk to. The only thing was to stare off into literal space to waste time.

Naturally you mulled over what to do with the whole situation involving Sohyun. That was a huge priority to you. Bringing Sohyun home safe was important and also following through with your promise to Beomseok. It made you wonder how him and Big Papa were doing. Technically you could go back to Earth if you really wanted, but no. You needed to stay here in case any of the Princes came back. They would panic to see you were gone without another word. So as painful as it was to just sit around and do nothing, that was all you could really do for now.

But since you were left alone, it gave you some time to reflect. Not only on yourself, but also on the boys. You looked over how the boys had grown as well as how your unique and special friendships with each of them formed. You'd be lying if you said all of you had the tightest bond. There was still so much work and trust that was a work in progress. A foundation was being set down with how things currently were. Miraculously, this was pulling you guys closer together even though they all believed it was pulling them farther apart in the past. It's funny how things change like that. Still, you were happy that life took that turn by surprise.

It all started with a blue haired nerd. Namjoon came with perfect timing, fitting the description of the Hierophant exactly. He was the right piece to be placed in your life to allow you to see the bigger picture. With a little help from Big Papa, Namjoon and you got a strange interaction but it luckily didn't end there. Namjoon had a way with words that easily pulled you to him with every conversation. He's a smart boy that you learned a lot from when it came to astronomy, but you were also able to have fun with him. Particularly teasing Namjoon was the best. He was usually a good sport about it. He often allowed you, but it was always done playfully to begin with. From the start, your relationship with Namjoon has always been a breath of fresh air. He got your world to start turning.

Things hadn't started as bright with Taehyung. Goodness, just thinking back makes you want to laugh. He's changed so much since then. Taehyung still may care about his appearance and things of that nature, but he no longer forces it on others. He doesn't push people to believe he is handsome and innocent of all consequences. Taehyung used to insult you without even trying a majority of the time. He only cared about himself while saying whatever he wanted. It just made you so proud to see how far he's come. The two of you stopped fighting like you used to. Conversations were possible and Taehyung was able to befriend the others as well. He no longer saw them in the way he used to. He wasn't above them or anything like that. Taehyung formed true self respect for himself based on who he is as a person rather than relying on his looks. He was careful around you to make sure he didn't pull the wrong move. He was enthusiastic to be your friend though you knew he still carried lingering hopes for more.

Another person who changed immensely was Jungkook. Oh, how he went from wanting you dead to wanting to f*ck you. You suppose that was improvement though there was a lot more to it than that. Jungkook arrived to Earth with only thing on his mind. His blood lust and your death consumed his mind to the point where you saw no humanity in his eyes. He loyally followed Yoongi's words and believing everyone else was an enemy. He was persistent as hell about wanting you dead, but soon gave that up as he left it to Yoongi. Then he just stopped being aggressive with you and that slowly turned into plain lust. Despite Jungkook strangely wanting to sleep with you, he also has grown to appreciate the friendship that has formed between the two of you. In reality, it doesn't matter to him whether the two of you go further or not. You just know that the feeling is mutual when you say that he became someone important in your life.

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