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Healing? Restoring life? You didn't know how to describe it, but that's what you thought you did with Sohyun's succulent. After it just suddenly came to life, you put it back on the windowsill where it belonged. No more touching it. Keep your emotions in control! You scolded yourself for the longest time, but you only ended up feeling anxious. Was that really you? How come Mother never mentioned this to you? Did she even know? Or were you just imagining things? Tons of questions were appearing in your head and you were feeling overwhelmed by your new life all over again. This was not a feeling you could ever get used to.

But you had to find out if it was actually you who managed to heal the plant. Grabbing the trash can, you tried healing the orange you had completely killed. It had lost its color and it was complete mush. Taking in a deep breath, you focused and did your best to heal the orange. Come on. Come back to life. Though you just ended up feeling like an idiot the longer time went on. Nothing. You went to the apple that wasn't as mushy as the orange. It was actually clinging on to life which made you feel bad. Biting your lip, you focused on trying to restore the life you had took from it. Dragging your fingers against the apple, you soon noticed the bright glow appearing once more. You stayed on task as the apple slowly regained its color and was slightly less mushy.

You can heal.

How come you're just finding out about this now? Abruptly standing up from your desk, you tried to take in deep breaths as you processed the facts. It seems you can restore life to things that are not completely dead. There still has to be life to them. Does that mean you can heal humans? You weren't sure what exactly this all entailed, but you needed to find out the truth. You couldn't stay in the dark about this any longer. If you can heal then that means you power isn't a complete curse after all. It's just a double-edged sword that you need to learn how to master. Your ability to drain life was high, but restoring it was weak.

Something had to be done about this. While you could have practiced on your power longer, you felt you had enough time to do that later. What you needed to do was confront your Mother. She told you in a dream that you drained the life out of things. She guided you on how to control this power as if she knew it well. How come she never bothered to mention this part of you power? She just conveniently left that out? In a blur of emotions, you were going to visit Pluto in that moment only for Sohyun to arrive back at the dorm.

There were so many things going on through your mind that you didn't speak to Sohyun. You tried to live life as usual despite knowing you had to go to Pluto first thing in the morning. The second you get a chance tomorrow, you're leaving to have a conversation with your Mother. Nothing was going to change that. Sohyun left in the morning to eat breakfast in the common area and you took advantage of the opportunity. Chanting the words Mother told you to remember, the familiar grey cloud appeared at your feet before it eventually teleported you back to your home planet. You began marching instantly towards the portrait as the Plutonian royal dress formed on your body. Mother is always by the portrait.

As you predicted, she was standing by it as she admired the painting. Mother didn't even notice your presence as your shoes turned into heels. They clicked against the floor as you refused to let heels slow down your pace. There were so many emotions racing in you that you couldn't even put to words. You were ignoring the fact that you had your first kiss yesterday as you came to the realization that your power doesn't only cause harm. It can be helpful! You aren't just a killer with your power! That was so relieving to figure out and it gave you peace. But you needed to know if your Mother knew which you had a strong feeling she did. You were frustrated, angry, confused, and you just wanted to scream!

"Eomeoni!" You came to a halt as your voice echoed and bounced off the walls. Yet despite the skeletons in the room looking at you, Eomeoni remained sucked in by the portrait. "Eomeoni!" You repeated as she finally turned to face you with an elegant aura.

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