Invasion of Privacy

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The celebration couldn't last forever. After cheering on the Princes who managed to get rid of the Plutonian protectors, it was time to fill them in on some information that they missed out on. Unfortunately they had to be greeted with bad news almost immediately. It was the entire reason Namjoon had to hang up on the call with the boys. He didn't want them getting distracted with extra issues. The rest of you were sitting around the table when Namjoon got a hold of his father again. Troops had been sent to attack Pluto though trying to break into the palace walls has been proving to be difficult. Not only were the protectors stronger and harder to deal with in order to keep the kingdom safe, but your Mother seemed to form her own troops too from Plutonian civilians.

It was driving you crazy with how stubborn she was being. It would be easier if you didn't fight her, but it was clear she wasn't a good person. She was putting this unrealistic fantasy above the safety of her people and she was willing to kidnap your sister in order to manipulate you. She couldn't possibly feel any remorse about the situation. This is just what she felt was necessary. But the problem didn't stop here. It was the fact that your Mother had been prepared for the Martian and Jupiterian troops heading her way. Along with that, she made multiple surprise attacks on different planets like Saturn and Venus. Taehyung froze to hear this and Yoongi was quick to swear under his breath.

With the sudden attacks on Venus and Saturn, battle plans have had to change. Troops had to change where they would be stationed and each planet was now paranoid that they would be next. The original battle plans you all came up with had to get scrapped and it didn't help that this war was making it harder for the Kings to communicate about war plans. They were trying their best as they realized working together would be the only way. Things weren't looking good with how Pluto was trying to thin so many troops with all the surprise attacks. None of the planets could solely focus on invading the Plutonian kingdom like they had wished. That's what put all of you in a tough situation.

"No offense, (F/n), but I really f*cking hate Mother Pluto." Yoongi growled as you nodded.

"Trust me, it's mutual." You crossed your arms. Any trust or care that you felt towards your Mother in the beginning of reuniting with her was completely gone. It had begun deteriorating with how much distrust she held towards the boys, but it honestly all fell down the moment she captured Sohyun. That was too far. There was no conversation the two of you could have about that. Now a war was officially declared.

"It's kinda nice to see all our planets working together though..." Jimin mumbled, unsure if now was the right moment to appreciate teamwork.

"You're right. It is nice and that's how it should be." Hoseok sighed. "But first we gotta get (F/n) to be Queen."

"Then we'll achieve peace and harmony!" Seokjin perked up. He was still sitting down at the table to rest. He was slowly doing better now that he wasn't pushing himself so hard. All the Jovians told him to not use anymore of his power today. He agreed, having no problem with taking it easy.

"But we still have this dumb war to deal with first." Taehyung pouted. He was feeling a lot of things thanks to surviving a battle, receiving support from his fellow tellurics for the first time, and now hearing that his home planet has been attacked. He couldn't imagine what was going on over there. He wanted to leave Kuiper immediately to see what was going on yet he wasn't a fighter. Royalty weren't meant to fight for their own safety. It was best to leave the attack in the hands of his troops and the Venusian protectors.

"We're just trying to tame the situation for now," Jungkook spoke calmly with his eyes looking over all of you. "It's best to have our strongest troops at the source which is Pluto. Even with the Queen trying to thin out our focus, our protectors should be strong enough to fight against hers." The other Princes in the room nodded and you had to admit you were impressed. Whenever Jungkook spoke about battle plans, you were able to view him in a different light. He was a lot more serious than you were used to but it was a nice side to see.

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