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The nurse who was speaking before walked in, followed by two doctors, a quirk specialist, Tsukauchi, Eraser and then trailing behind them was a eager Shinsou.

But his face fell when they all took in the sight before them. The lights were flicked on now, clearly letting them see how close Jr and Izuku was and their hands intertwined.

The two boys looked like deer got in headlights. Jr quickly pulled his hand away and sat back in his chair, eyes wide.

Izuku had a similar expression, but his eyes were on one person.

Hitoshi Shinsou.

"I-Izuku?" The boy asked in shock, eyes flicking between the two boys. When he had seen Izuku and some random boy so close...his heart fell. Literally.

The nausea swirled unrestrained in his empty stomach. His head swam with a billion bad readings of what could've been happening in here. His heart felt as if his blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. His melancholy mood hung over him like a black cloud, raining his personal sorrow down on himself wherever as the awkward seconds ticked by.

"What's going on?" One of the doctors asked, too pressured by the tension to stay quiet. "Who are you, why are you in here and how did you get in here?"

Jr blushed. "I'm Harunobu, " he pointed his thumb to the open window on the other side of the room blowing cold wind in from the forming storm outside. "And I know how to climb."

"You're not supposed to be in here," Eraserhead scolded nonchalantly, unable to look at Izuku right now.

"I know," Jr shrugged. "But they were trying to escort me somewhere else and I didn't want to leave without him."

"Did you wake him up?" The quirk specialist asked nervously and stepped forward, now worried for Izuku's health. It's seriously bad to be forced out of a nightmare quirk by someone else.

"No," Jr shook his head. "I waited on the window sill until I saw him stir awake. Then I came inside. So chill out."

Shinsou, still confused nudged Eraser but kept direct eye contact with the emerald orbs staring back at him. "Who is he?"

"I don't know, honestly." Eraser whispered back. "He popped up out of nowhere during the attack and helped Izuku fight back. By the way they were speaking and the sort of things said, I assume they've known each other for a long time. Their fighting and ability to think up plans are very similar which leads me to think that they've also trained together in the past."

Shinsou nodded and his hands tightened around the vase of flowers he was holding. Izuku and this boy were just friends, right?

"Shinsou, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Tsukauchi said politely. "I know you care about this boy deeply, but law before feelings for now, alright?"

He patted the purple haired boy on the back but he kept his eyes focused on the two boys still frozen in shock of getting caught.

"And you," the detective said more sternly, pointing a finger at Jr and gave him a knowing look. "You need to return to whatever police were escorting you out of here and this time follow their directions. You and Midoriya are in a lot of trouble, by being here, you're just making this even worse."

Jr blinked out of his daze and realized he still had his sleeve up. He got off his chair and pulled the cloth back down awkwardly. "The guards-" he cleared his throat. "The guards are asleep right now."

"Asleep?" Eraser asked, eyes drooping even lower as he pressed a hand to his forehead with a loud sigh. "Damn it. I'm going to call more now." He was about to reach into his pocket but before he could, Jr rushed to the window.

"No need," he reassured. "They're right outside."

Tsukauchi squinted his eyes in suspicion, "What do you mean?"

Jr just smirked and jumped out. Eraser cursed and lunged forward, hands gripped the window sill tightly as his eyes searched the darkness below.

It was early morning. The sun hadnt gone up yet and they could all tell by the rumbling sky that a storm was coming.

Finally he spotted the red head go sit criss cross in the middle of a group of past out guards. He pressed his elbow to his thighs, chin resting on his palm as he pouted like a child put in time out.

The sight was utterly ridiculous.

Aizawa sighed. One problem child was enough to give him a headache, now two?

So, ik it's short but I have stuff to do tonight so I decided to just publish it how it is¯\(◉‿◉)/¯¯

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