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"That hurt!"

"Can you shut up?" Aizawa groaned out in annoyance.

Izuku was stitching up his side, yet the greenette was the one saying things like that. Izuku quickly closed his mouth mumbling a quick, "Sorry."

After reassuring Izuku that he could move, the two of them had fled the scene until they were far enough away to have Izuku stitch him up.

"I don't even think I needed stitches." Aizawa responded before wincing slightly when Izuku once again poked him with the point.

"Yeah, well then be glad I'm smarter than you." Izuku teased and Aizawa flicked him on the forehead. Izuku gasped before pouting and poking Aizawa again, this time especially fast and harder.

Aizawa flinched and groaned out. "Hey, watch it problem child."

Izuku giggled in satisfaction and continued to stitch him up before covering it with gauze and wrap. He patted the finished product and smiled proudly. "All done!" He announced and Aizawa grumbled in response, dropping his shirt and getting to his feet.

Izuku follows suit, also getting up and dusting himself off.

Aizawa was about joke about how Izuku stood like a girl but before his mouth could even open, his phone rang, cutting him off.

He fought a groan and clicked the answer button. "Yes, Todoroki." He answered nonchalantly, waiting for the fiery hero to scream at him.

As expected, it took only a second for the raging voice of his to ring through the phone. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU AIZAWA? THERE'S BEEN A REPORT FROM TSUKAUCHI AND NIGHT WATCH HAS BEEN IN YOUR AREA! WE'RE ON OUR WAY SO BE THE HELL READY! WE'RE MEETING UP AT XXX."

Aizawa took the phone from his ear, pressing the red button to dismiss the rest of Endeavor's useless howls.

He swallowed thickly. It was time.

He looked at Izuku who was putting his stuff away and cleaning the mess they made on the roof of someone's building.

"I got to go Midoriya." Aizawa said and Izuku looked up, eyebrows knitting together in confusion and concern.

"Why?" He asked and tilted his head to the side.

Aizawa's hands tightened around the phone being squeezed in his palm. "I got a alert," he lied. "I've been called to the scene. It's a villain attack."

"Then let me come." Izuku said, forgetting about the bags he had just placed down and moved towards Aizawa. "I've fought plenty of villains, I can help you."

Aizawa's jaw clenched. "No," he said sternly. "You can feel free to fight any low life thugs while on patrol, but real time villains are left to me. It can be dangerous, so I'm leaving. You can either go home or go to the Shinsou's." He said through his teeth.

Izuku shook his head. "I thought we were like Batman and Robin?"

Aizawa cringed. "No one is like Batman and robin. That's a movie, this is real life. What I'm about to do can get you killed so go home."

Izuku felt his eyes tear up. Was he the only one between the two that looked at their arrangement as a partnership and not a burden?

"Fine," he choked out, voice hoarse as he fought back some tears threatening to fall.

"How about this," Aizawa sighed, noticing how sad returning him home was making him. Plus, he needed Izuku to do something that will attract the heroes to his location. Izuku couldn't do that from his apartment. "You can continue to patrol but if something goes wrong, you run away. Alright?"

Izuku nodded frantically, taking the opportunity.


"What took you so long?" Nedzu asked as he approached the meeting place.

"Had some stuff to take care of." Eraserhead answered simply and joined the group. A door opened for Nedzu and he was lifted into the vehicle by a personal driver.

Before the door closed, the small mouse guy stuck his head back out to say one last thing. "I want you guys to be careful. Careful to not hurt him. Bring him back in one piece, okay?"

The group nodded except for Endeavor who stubbornly grunted and crossed his arms over his chest.

Then the car drove away leaving the heroes to start their search.

"Where should we start?" Midnight asked, pressing a finger to her chin as her dark eyes looked around the familiar buildings caging around them.

"We can fake an attack.." Aizawa mumbled, remembering how it only took a distant scream for Izuku to shoot up and blast off.

"Not a horrible idea." MtLady hummed, imitating Midnight's stance and also looking around curiously.

"Don't you think a boy with his level of intelligence would be able to see through a false yells for help?" Midnight said. "I mean, if you think about it, whoever Night Watch is, is obviously really smart and with his experience he's been able to sort out different kind of screams, right? Like one of pure danger and terror and then pick out the other yells like kids just playing and etc. He's come this far, there has to be some reason for that."

Aizawa cursed, it was true. Izuku was smart and has enough experience to pinpoint which yells are really yells for help instead of wasting time rushing to someone who didn't need help. "Then are any of y'all believable actors?" The ravenette asked, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The group of heroes looked around at each other and on the mist of tall bodies, a small hand rose. Only the heroes surrounding her saw it and stepped out of the way so that she could move forward.

"Oh," Aizawa said, seemingly bored and tilted his head to the side. "Vision, correct?" He asked, trying to recall the name of the girl now standing before him.

She was tall with light brown hair cut short to her shoulders, the tips a bright orange. The same orange that colored in her eyes. Her face was round, her cheeks tinted pink.

"I took drama in middle school," she admitted and rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "My quirk isn't really helpful though, it's just a bunch of different visions. I can see through fire, far away, underwater and in the dark. I specialize in combat to help out as much as I can but I'm still just a small time hero."

Aizawa knew who she was and her quirk, but still nodded along for everyone else to get what she explained. "And you're good at acting?" He made sure, looking her up and down.

She nodded with a tight lip smile. "Yup."

Suddenly all their phones beeped and they dug into their pockets to pull them out. It was a message from Nedzu.


good news! The work is cut out for you heroes. Night Watch was spotted taking down some thugs at XXX only minutes ago. If you're all still at the meet up location, it'll only take you five minutes to reach him! Good luck!

"Seems like that won't be necessary." He said and pushed the phone back into his jeans. "We know Night Watch's exact location."


It's ur unprofessional author


Am I evil for leaving you guys here??

No..def not. Or not as evil as my friend who always leaves me on read😒

Did I purposely make this chapter EXTREMELY boring?  🤭I'll never tell

I also started writing this secretly during class with my camera ON so be grateful, alright? ❤️❤️

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