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Earlier that day while Izuku was working at the Vet

He'd be lying if he said he wasn't tired of meeting about this vigilante already.

It's been the same thing for weeks.

The heroes sat around in a circle discussing what should be done.

"I say we just stop messing around and playing with the guy and ambush him." Endeavor huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "One lowlife can't fight us all off at once."

They heard a snicker and turned to Midnight. "Endeavor, you're just mad he escaped from your grasp last month."

His fire seemed to heat up, making the whole room temperature rise.

"Oi shut up! I at least got close. It wasn't my fault he can literally mold into the shadows."

Midnight rolled her eyes. "That's no excuse. Your quirk is literally a kind of light. You can't even walk into a dark alleyway without lighting the place up like a store during Christmas. He's just too good with stealth. Admit it."

Endeavor stood from his seat and slammed his fist down on the table. "He's not better than us! He's probably not even trained. All his support items and weapons are obviously made by underground people, which means they're pretty fake too. We can catch the bastard if we get serious!"

Eraserhead, who had been silent this whole time, decided to speak up.

"I've been watching him." He announced and in seconds all eyes were on him.

"He doesn't carry a pattern. I'm not saying he's unorganized or untrained, I'm saying he expects for us to watch him. He analyzed the best ways to keep us from figuring out his fighting styles and weaknesses. I'm guessing he came up with literally hiding his style by not having a specific one and mixing up fighting styles."

He reached for his bag and pulled out the binders he created. He passed the stack to present Mic who was sitting beside him who took one and passed.

"If you look through the file I created, you can also see what i've gathered about his quirk. It seems to be an energy based quirk."

Fat Gum raised his hand. "I've seen it! He has really good control over it. He seems to gather energy into his hand. He can form the raw thing into weapons."

Everyone nodded, Endeavor grunted.

"Yeah, and if I'm correct," Eraserhead continued. "he can also hear sound waves. He can hear me when I approach and I'm sure he can tell us apart by the identification of our energy. He can hear danger from miles away. I've followed him for awhile now and I've found him with his eyes closed and I think he can see into the sound waves too."

Endeavor spoke up, not even caring to raise his hand or be excused for cutting off Aizawa's presentation. "How can he hear and see sound waves if his quirk is energy based?"

"You really are dumb, aren't you?" Midnight teased and uncrossed her legs before recrossing them the other way.

Endeavor glared at her and if looks could kill, Midnight wouldn't have had time to even know what was happening.

Aizawa, who had experience with slower classes, had a little more patience and began to explain it to the fiery hero. "Energy comes in different forms Todoroki, sound is one of them. Sound energy comes in the form of sound waves. If his quirk really is fully energy based, he can see with the sound waves and hear with them."

He turned back to the group as it dawned on the big hero and he 'oh'ed.

"If this is true, and I'm pretty positive it is, then his senses stretch far distances."

What Could Have Been (vigilante deku)Where stories live. Discover now