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Chapter 30??? Wahhhhh I did not think that I would honestly make it this far! I was genuinely thinking about deleting it in the beginning XD So thanks for sticking with me ✌️

Izuku's eyes flew wide as more tears poured down rapidly and he trashed some more, trying to call for help despite his desert throat.

"Shhh shhhhh shhhh." Jr shushed him, hovering over his face so that the greenette could see him. "It's just me, Izu. It's just me."

Izuku looked up at him through watery eyes and the beeping coming from the machine quieted down. When it calmed a bit, Jr pulled his hand away and ran it through his hair.

"You're okay right?" He asked, eyes raking over Izuku's body. "You've been out for a couple of days. I've been wanting to visit you, but they wouldn't let me out of custody."

His hand trailed down into the darkness and grasped onto Izuku's smaller one. Izuku flinched at the sudden contact and he let out a small cry, trying to yank his hand back, more tears beginning to well up but Jr held on tighter and rubbed his thumb over Izuku's skin comfortingly.

Again he shushed him softy. "It's just me, Izuku. I heard you got hit with a nightmare quirk and I wanted to be the first person here for you so I can help you allow reality back into your head. Whatever you saw, no matter how real it felt, it was just a dream. Okay?"

Izuku nodded, a solo tear rolling down his face."I-I saw Sensei."

Jr's eyes widened. "Really?"

The greenette nodded sadly. "H-he told me he regretted choosing me. H-he s-said he never cared and that I killed him."

Izuku began sobbing uncontrollably again as the words returned into his mind, the voices repeating them.

"And I did, Jr." Izuku cried quietly, careful to not let anyone outside hear him. It was obvious that the only reason they didn't come in everytime his heart rate picked up was because of the quirk that hit him. Obviously his heart was going to go crazy when he was having a nightmare.

"I-I didn't help him," Izuku sobbed and Jr's crimson eyes also watered. He wrapped an arm around Izuku the best he could to embrace him as much as he can with Izuku being strapped to the bed to prevent him from both, sleepwalking and escaping.

"He was right there," he sniffed, trying to suppress the tears but his eyes had other plans. He was like a glass of water. As he was being filled, it was easier to stop from spilling over but when he was given too much that he could hold, the glass cracked and let out all of its contents. "I watched him die. I tried, I really did. I tried to p-protect him but I wasn't strong enough. And at the end, it was my weakness that caused him his life. His life Jr. I couldn't protect him and because of that he died. He won't ever be able to smile at the sky again. To feel the breeze on his face. To-to see us get old. To see what y-you become."

"Me?" Jr asked, tears of his own rolling down his face.

"Yeah, you." Izuku sniffed and smiled softly, looking Jr right in the eye. "If we're being realistic, the only one between the two of us that has a definite great future..is you."

"That's not true," Jr protested, wiping away Izuku's tears with his free hand. "You can fight this. You're tough and you have way too much to live for. Fate isn't strong enough to rip away the grasp that you have on life."

Izuku shook his head in disbelief. "No, how can I have a grip on life when I don't even have one on myself?"

Jr continued to dry the tears off Izuku's freckled cheeks until they weren't soaked anymore and he took a deep breath. "I-I think you're more capable than you think."

What Could Have Been (vigilante deku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora