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I didn't want to get out of bed the next morning. I was exhausted, and the skin on my hand still stung all the way to my elbow from yesterday's meeting with Umbridge.

However, I had promised Ginny I would go with her, so I shoved down the pain and feelings and got ready for the match.

She was giggly as always as we watched Harry dart around the field, and I couldn't help but stare at Draco as he sat up on his broom, keeping his eyes out for the golden snitch. I felt sick to my stomach and light headed, but ignored the feelings as I cheered for Slytherin when they scored.
"Are you alright, Octavia? You're looking quite pale." Luna Lovegood had taken a spot next to me, eyeing me up and down.
"I'm fine!" I told her, shaking my head.
"No, she's right, you do look pale. Paler than usual." Ginny added.
"Guys-" I felt the room swirl, "I assure you-" I blinked for a second, my head getting heavy.
"Sit down." Ginny cleared off the seats behind us, taking one of my arms to help me.
"Would you like some water?" Luna pulled some out of her bag, which I really did need. I took a sip, and it felt like metal in my mouth. I struggled to swallow, and the rest of the crowd roared in cheer when the game ended. The sound stung my head, and I shoved the water away, bringing my head to my knees trying not to throw up.
"Let us take you to Pomfrey!" Ginny begged but I shook my head again, letting out a low groan.
"What's wrong with her?" I looked up to see Hermione had joined our sides, kneeling next to me.
"I'm fine." I mumbled, my head getting dizzy again.
"No you're not." Before I knew it, Ginny and Hermione were on either side of me, helping me up and down the bleachers. We got down the the field without problem, but the crowd all started leaving around us and caused them to both lose me in the wave of students. I tried to stay still, but person after person pushed by me, bumping into me. Instead of staying in the middle, I pushed my way to the entrance with the others.
"Octavia!" Ginny joined me again, grabbing my arm to balance me as I almost fell.
"Get your hands off her, blood traitor!" I was pulled into Dracos arms and away from Ginny.
"Draco, stop!" She fought, trying to get me back to her. The world spun around me as they argued, and I collapsed into his arms as he held all of my weight and brought me to the ground.
"What's wrong?" He pushed hair out of my face quickly, looking down at me with soft eyes. I blinked away blurriness, trying to sit up.
"I'm fine." I told them, trying to push them both away as students started to stare, but I couldn't even get off the ground before wanting to throw up again.
"Draco." I frowned, tears starting to sting in my eyes.
"It's okay. Come here, it's alright." He whispered to me, pulling me off the ground and wrapping an arm around me to hold me up.
"Well? Are you going to just stand there or help me?" He angrily asked a frantic Ginny, who rushed to the other side of me.

They took me to Pomfrey, against my wishes, who forced me to lay down while she figured out what was happening.
"I told you," I stared at Draco, "I'm fine."
"What's this?" Pomfrey grabbed my hand and I winced in pain. Draco stood to see what she was looking at, and his faces turned from caring to a scowl.
"Who did this?" He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look him eye to eye. Before I could respond, my head got dizzy once more and I succumbed to the darkness.

The soft sound of humming filled my ears after a while of quiet, and I felt a warm sensation on the left side of my body. I blinked into the darkness, trying to adjust to the light. I felt much better now, but still exhausted.
"You're awake!" Draco exclaimed, sitting up next to me.

Draco Malfoy had been laying with me presumably all day long. He hadn't been out enjoying the Quidditch win, he wasn't making fun of other houses with his friends. He was right here, beside me.
"Draco?" I questioned, sitting up as well. I stretched the stiffness out of my body.
"Are you going to tell me who did this now?" He grabbed my hand softly, running his thumb over my skin.
"Umbridge." I laid back down, sighing as my head hit the pillow.
"How is this okay?"
"I was out after hours. I deserved it." I shrugged it off, but he wouldn't let it go. You'd think he would be the first person to agree with such tactics, as that's the reputation he usually gets.
"Did anyone else come and visit?" I interrupted him.
"One of the Weasleys but I told him to bugger off." He rolled his eyes. Had it been Fred? I shrugged that off as well, not wanting to feel the guilt.
"I'm sorry I got mad at you yesterday." He told me as I got ready to go back to the house with him.
"It's fine, Draco, I get it." I assured him, pulling on my boots. He handed me my robe, which I slipped on quickly and grabbed his hand as we went back to the dorms.

We talked in the common room, as I sat between in legs on the couch in front of the fire.
"Do you know how to braid, Draco?" I asked him, leaning back on to his chest.
"I'd certainly learn, for you." He wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a secure, warm embrace.
"I'm tired." I yawned, trying to keep my eyes open.
"Just relax." He ran his fingers through my hair with one hand, pulling a blanket over the both of us with the other.
"We can't stay here all night." I let my feelings cloud my judgment though, and I started to close my eyes.
"We certainly can." He responded, getting comfortable underneath me.
"Draco?" I whispered, sitting up for a second. He opened his eyes, which I hadn't realized were closed, and I leaned into him. I placed a soft kiss on his lips before taking my spot once again, finally letting myself sleep peacefully.

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