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I folded Fred's jumper on my bed, and changed into a new outfit for the trip to Hogsmeade. I slipped on a dark green skirt, a white turtleneck, tights and knee high black boots. I slipped Fred's jumper on over my clothes and pulled a hat on.

I met Fred at the courtyard, and it was surprising to see him without his other half.
"No George today?" I questioned, and he pulled me into a hug.
"Not today. I asked to go with you alone. You look great in my jumper." He winked at me, and my face filled with red.
"I'm thinking we sneak off and I aparate us to the Shrieking Shack." Fred rubbed his hands together in the cold and smiled wide as usual.
"I've never aparated before, is that a good idea?" I ask, as he pulls us to a secluded area.
"Just hold my arm and don't let go." He said, putting his arm out. I put mine on top of his, and snuck my fingers into his. With a small crack, Fred and I disappear into the snow and reappear in a warm building. I lose my balance when we land, but before I can use the wall to stop myself, Fred grabs my waist and pulls me into him.
"You look beautiful." He whispered down to me, causing my face to flush once more.
"Thank you Fred. You look handsome as always." I rested my head on his chest.
"As always, huh?" He says whilst rubbing circles in my lower back.
"Where do you want to go from here?" I ask him, and he gives me a big smirk.

"Welcome to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes!" Fred and George start their speech, and I walk around their store looking at all the treats and potions they've stocked up on. Love spells sat on a pretty pedestal, radiating pink fumes. I reached down and picked one up between my fingers, investigating the bottle and the contents.
"Looking at love potions are we?"
"From what Freddie's said-"
"I said nothing-"
"You don't need a love potion to get this git in love." George finished what he was saying.
"You could get one anyways to spice things up!" He added, and I smacked his arm.
"Fred, you're going to get me in trouble." I sighed, laughing as I tossed the potion back. He snaked his hands around my waist and whispered in my ear,
"Want to get out of here? Go on a walk?"
"I'd love to." I said and he took my hand and pulled me out the doors in the back of the store into a dark alleyway.
"Now we are alone." Fred pushed me against the stone wall, wrapping his long arms around my waist.
"Fred.." I whispered into the darkness. I could barely see anything but the silhouette of Fred in front of me.
"Via.." He responded just how I had said his own name.
"Can you even see me?" I pulled him closer laughed into his chest.
"I don't need to, I can feel you." He said, slipping his hands under the sides of his jumper I was wearing, tickling my sides.
"Always the jokester aren't we, Frederick." I decided to get him back by sliding my cold hands up the front of his jumper and placing them on his chest.
"You're always so cold." He said, and I pulled my hands out and put them on his cheeks.
"Aren't I?" I laughed. Fred leaned down closer to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, inviting him closer. His lips were mear centimeters away from mine. Suddenly, the back door flew open and George and Betty tumbled out, all over eachother.
"Oí, get a room." Fred called to them as the tan down the alleyway laughing.
"We should probably go back in." I whispered to him, the door closing and taking away all the light again.
"Or we could stay right here forever, darling." He whispered back.
"Come on Freddie, where do you want to go now?" I asked, and his eyes lit up with the answer.

He has bags of sweets and ingredients to potions he was planning to make when we aparated back to Hogwarts.
"You could always come to the dorm with me, the rest of them will be 30 minutes behind." He pleaded, stopping in front of the Fat Lady.
"Fine, but only for 10 minutes." I gave in, grabbing his hand and following him to his dorm.
"This is cute." I looked around the room, admiring pictures Fred and George had.
"What does the Slytherin dorm look like?" He asked, and I sat on his bed next to him.
"Dark. All black and green everything. It's a pretty view though." I told him, laying back on his blankets.
"I've got a pretty good view myself." Fred commented, laying down next to me on his side.
"Fred- I- uh.." I started but I was cut off by him.
"Via, I would love to finally kiss you." He sighed, leaning against his headboard. He saw my flushed face and started to apologize.
"Fred.." I whispered. I got up on my knees and sat on them next to him.
"You can say no." He looked at me and smiled anyways.
"I don't want to say no." I cupped his cheeks.
"Kiss me." I begged with words and my eyes. He pulled me on top of him and into his chest, grabbing the back of my neck and kissing me deeply. He didn't touch me all over like Draco did, he focused on kissing me passionately. He took it slow.
"Via." He said between breaths and kisses.
"Fred." I pulled back from the kiss, feeling hot and heavy. Like I hadn't ever felt with anyone before. Sparks still tingled on my body, and my skin warmed up when he rested his hands on my thighs.
"I need to go." I sighed, falling down into his body, wrapping my legs around his and my arm around his torso.
"I think you should stay." He snuggled into me, wrapping his big arms around my whole self. I yawned, and sat up from him and he looked sad. Quickly, I pulled his jumper over my head and tossed it next to his bed, laying back down into him.
"Are you going to stay and cuddle with me?" He held me tighter.
"Yes, Freddie, I'll stay." I mumbled into his chest as he pulled his duvet over both of us.
"How are you comfortable in those clothes?" Fred asked as he slid down closer to me.
"Well if you promise not to touch, I'll wear one of your shirts instead." I climb out of bed and he follows, pulling out a shirt for me to change into. He turns around and closes his eyes while I slip out of my skirt, shirt, and tights.
"I'm decent now." I poked his back and he turned around.
"Is that your bra on my floor?" Fred giggled like a 12 year old boy.
"Never thought I would see the day." He finished, pulling me back into bed with him. Just as he pulled the covers back over us, the rest of the boys who lived in this dorm came in, all plopping on their beds and passing out almost immediately.
"Goodnight, Octavia." Fred whispered, pulling me tighter.
"Goodnight, Frederick." I whispered back as he kissed my forehead.

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