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Fred waked around the bedroom admiring all of the books and decorations as I looked in the hallway quickly to make sure no one saw us. I locked the door behind me and sighed with relief. I watched Fred walk about for a big longer, touching the spines of the old books, and looking at the view out the window.

"Its beautiful." He announced, and I flopped on the bed.

"Sure is." I smiled my first real, genuine smile in weeks, as he climbed on top of me.

"Kiss me." He whispered, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to me.

"How thick do you reckon these walls are?" He mumbled, kissing down my jaw.

"I don't care." My breath was heavy as his kisses led to my neck.
"I missed this." He kissed into my skin, setting my nerves on fire.
"I missed you." I wanted more, more than just kissing, more than just sex. I was over my head in love in Fred, but the guilt of what I knew I had to do was eating my alive. This, being here in this moment with him, was the only escape I had. I let it all slip away as he pulled at my jumper, wanting more of me. I pushed at him, getting him off me, as I took my sweater off and climbed on top of him. His cold fingers roamed my back and chest as I straddled his lap. He kissed the top of my breast and I tossed my head back, letting out a small moan on accident.
"You're so beautiful." He told me, bringing my face down to his to kiss me. When our lips touched, we both heard the soft knock on my door.
"Get behind the door." I whispered, pushing him there as I pulled my jumper on as quickly as possible. When I opened the door, Draco stood there with dark eyes and his arms wrapped around his body.
"I thought I heard you back here," he rubbed the tiredness in his eyes, "are you alright?" He mumbled, leaning again the frame of the door.
"I'm fine, just wanted to come back. Can we talk later, Draco?" I asked, knowing if I talked to him now I would spill all the details of my mother and I wouldn't be able to keep it together. He nodded, knowing something was wrong.
"Alright," he rubbed his arms from the cold, "try to sleep?" He asked, and I nodded back at him.
"You too." I closed the door quietly as he walked away, and Fred almost burst out laughing.
"Draco Malfoy has a soft side." He giggled.
"Are you going to talk about Draco or take me to bed?" I pondered, pulling him back to the bed.
"You already know the answer." He pushed me back onto the duvet and pulled his jumper off. He leaned down onto me, sliding a hand up my leg. His movements made my back arch, and he slipped a hand under my waist to pull me closer into him.
"I love you." He kissed me.
"I love you more." I kissed back, letting myself get lost in his touch. More clothes fell to the floor, and my fingernails dug into the skin of his back each time he went further. I smiled as I brought my hands to his sides, tickling him as he was trying to be serious. This was met with him pinning my arms to the bed with one hand, the other sneaking down between my legs.
"Fred.." I tried to say, but it came out shaky and I closed my eyes as he touched me.
"What?" He chuckled, not slowing down as I squeezed my eyes tighter. I tried to keep any noise inside me, but whimpers escaped through my mouth and he kissed me to keep me quiet. He stopped, letting go of me and I opened my eyes and watched him bring his fingers into his mouth, licking them ever so slowly as he stared me down.
"Freddie.." I whined, craving more of his touch as he came down on top of me again.

"That's why I asked if the walls were thick." Fred laughed as he laid down next to me, and I slapped his arm.
"Shut up." I covered my face as it turned beat red.
"I think you're gorgeous no matter what." He tucked my hair behind my ear like he always did, kissing my forehead.
"I'm tired." I yawned, snuggling into his chest under my covers, letting our skin touch with nothing between us.
"Sex will do that." He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me as close as he could.
"Do you think we could live somewhere with a view like this when we are older?" I ask after it is quiet, and all you can hear is our breathing.
"I'd love that. We could have a whole tribe of kids running around." He told me, and I started to imagine what our life would be like when we were older.
"Unless you don't want kids." He quickly added in embarrassment.
"I didn't think about it until now. I didn't think I did want them," and he started to look sad, "but with you I would love kids. A bunch of little Fred's running around." I smiled up at him and he smiled back.
"I can't wait to see what our life will be like, Via." He tells me before we both drift off to sleep.

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