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"Dad!" I called out into the seemingly empty house until he peeled his head out of a doorway.
"Octavia!" He exclaimed, pulling me into his arms.

After we talked for a while, he suggested I go back to the manor to get some sleep. I, of course, left out the pet about Draco and I. I gave him a final hug before leaving, bracing myself for what was waiting for me at the manor. I felt bad about pushing Draco away, especially because I was the only one who understood what was going on with him and in his head.

Quietly, I opened my bedroom door and no lights were on. I slid my boots off at the door, closing it behind me. I spotted his white hair on my pillows as he laid in my bed. I pulled out his sweatpants from my drawers and slowly slipped into them, also throwing on his jumper. Funny, I pushed him away but also found comfort in his clothes. I tried to climb into bed next to him as softly as possible, to not stir him from his sleep. Instinctively, as I laid on his chest, his arm wrapped around me.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, hoping he was secretly awake.
"You shouldn't be apologizing, I should." I was right, as he responded immediately.
"No, it's fine." I told him, resting my hand on his chest.
"Why do you have to be with Fred?" He ran his fingers through my hair.
"I'm not with Fred." I closed my eyes.
"What do you mean you're not with him?" He asked.
"He hasn't asked."
"Oh." Was all he responded.
"Go to sleep." He added, rubbing my back. I sighed, thinking deeply about everything going on in my life.

I didn't wake up screaming, or sweating. I woke up with no air in my lungs, feeling exhausted. I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Draco, and wrapped a blanket from my chair around my body before walking out on to the balcony, shutting the glass door behind me. The sun was starting to rise, dew resting on the green that canvased the scene in front of me. The fresh air filled my lungs slowly, and the air fogged around my face as I breathed out.

I don't know how long I stood there, but the sun was almost up when the door opened behind me. Draco walked next to me, a mug in each hand, handing me a cup of coffee to drink. I caught myself staring too long at his shirtless chest, and I could see the indentation where he had slight abs. I pretending to not be looking as I took a big sip.
"Good morning." His voice was rough, and he leaned against the railing beside me.
"How long have you been up?" He asked after.
"Just a few hours." I sipped again.
"What about you?"
"I don't know, I woke up and you weren't there, so I took a shower and got us some coffee." He told me, taking his first sip.
"You look beautiful." He started before looking out at the view.
"Thank you." I blushed. The heat of the coffee resonated in steam off both of our cups as we watched the sky twist into different colors.
"Do you have your own bathroom?" I ask him, not wanting to have to go to the shared bathroom way down the hall.
"Yeah, you can use it anytime you want." He offered, and I nodded.
"Want to show me the way?" I finished my coffee, and he took the mug. I followed him quietly, and he showed me where everything was.
"Thank you." I closed the door as he left.

I ran the shower super hot, letting the water soak my body and calm my nerves. Of course, Draco used big black towels, and they were soft and smelled like vanilla. I wrapped it around me, walking out into his bedroom.
"Uh- hey." He adverted his eyes from me.
"Hi." He handed me a pile of clothes.
"Oh, thank you, is this what I usually wear?" I looked at it.
"Maybe. I just picked what would look good. I don't know." He scratched the back of his head. I chuckled and turned back around, going to his bathroom. I died of embarrassment when I saw he had grabbed a pair of my underwear and a bra. They were a matching set I had bought just in case, as they were black lace. The other clothes he picked out were my house skirt, a black long sleeve, my tie, and a house sweater that looked a little too big for me. The outfit did look good, just like Draco had thought. I found his initials lined inside the neck, and smiled at the thought of him giving me his own sweater.
"Are you ready?" He called from outside the door, and I almost forgot we were going back to school a day early.
"Yes!" I opened the door, revealing the outfit he had chosen.
"I was right." He smiled, taking my hand in his own. He had gathered my things, including my trunk and wand, which of the latter - he handed me.
"Let's go." I smiled back. We aparated separately, each to our own dorms to take care of our things, meeting in the dorm common room after.
"It's so weird to be here without everyone else." I told him, sitting on the couch in front of the fire.
"When do you want to work on the cabinet?" He frowned, asking me a question I had hoped would be put off.
"I don't know. Soon." I shrugged, pulling a blanket over the both of us.
"You look good in my jumper." He wrapped an arm around me as I leaned into his body and we melted together.
"Before you know it, I'll have half your wardrobe." I chuckled.
"I wouldn't mind." He sipped his coffee as I started to read my book.

He let me read silently until I realized he had actually fallen asleep. He was super peaceful, even breaths as he dreamed of whatever it what he was dreaming of, and I enjoyed his presence with me as we sat together.
"Watching me, are you?" He opened his eyes and I quickly looked back down at my book with a beat red face.
"No." I mumbled, pretending I was flipping a page I had finished.
"Whatever you say." He closed his eyes again, leaning his head back on the leather.

Maybe I was watching, and maybe I had reason.

But I had figured out my heart was going two different ways, and that was not what I had thought would happen.

Not at all.

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