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Moonlight peeled through the windows of the tower, illuminating the steps before me as I ran to the top to be first there. My robe kicked against the backs of my heels as I took each step faster, trying not to trip.
"Last one there's a rotten dragon egg!" I called behind me, not able to even see the others yet. My steps quickened until I finally reached the top and took a hasty breath.
"I win!" My words were ragged as I was out of air, but I managed to yell down the stairs for them to hear.
"Win what?" I spun on my heels to the voice and almost tripped, catching the wall behind me to steady myself. In front of me stood a Weasley. Tall, ginger, piercing blue eyes, and less than a foot from me.
"Oh- um.." I was flustered, and I could hear the voices of my friends as they raced closer up to the top of the tower.
"Scared, Black?" He whispered down at me, placing a hand on the walk beside my head, before lowering to whisper in my ear.
"Don't be."
Chills formed in my spine, goosebumps covering my arms and legs.
"I wouldn't ever be, Frederick. Not in my nature." I smirked up at him.
"I'm George." He grasped his heart with a sting of sadness, though the smile never left his face.
"You're Fred. I know better than your tricks, Weasley." I smiled back, pushing a hand on his chest and moving away from him.
"You better get out of here 'for the rest of my crew finds you lurking around up here." I toss my hair over my shoulder and looked out on the scenery.
"Let them." Fred leaned against the brick next to me, looking amongst the stars in the night sky.
"How'd you know it was me anyways? We're identical." He nudged my shoulder, and then heard the voices I too heard earlier.
"Better tell me some other time, eh?" He smirked and turned back towards the darkness.
"Fred!" I called after him right before he was about to leave.
"Yes, darling?"
"You have got a scar above your left eyebrow from where Ginny hit you with a book." I suppressed my laughter and watch his eyes roll back as he laughed with me.
"How'd you know about that?" He questioned.
"I know everything." And then he slid in the darkness just as my friends came up the stairs.
"How'd you even get up here so fast?"
"Who were you talking to?"
"I'm so out of breath." Crab, Goyle, and Draco all said at the same time.
"You're all slow as death, and Malfoy you could use some extra exercise." I doubled over in laughter with them all.

We sat in the tower for a while, and Crab and Goyle left about 30 minutes in, leaving Draco and I leaning against the cold stone.
"It's beautiful tonight." My words were spoken into fog, as we could now see our breath in the cold.
"It certainly is. Maybe we should head back to the house." He got off his feet and stuck his hand out for me to get up. His skin was soft, but cold as we enlaced our fingers. I followed behind him on the stairs, not letting go of his hand because deep down it felt comforting. I shuddered with chills again, wishing I had brought a jumper with me. Draco stopped in his tracks, turning back to me.
"Take this." He took his black scarf off his neck, and wrapped it around my own, taking my hand again and leading me back. I looked down and saw his initials embroidered in the dark fabric, and knew it must have been very expensive. By the time I had escaped my thoughts, Draco was saying Pure-Blood into the portrait and we were being granted access to our dorms. The fire crackled softly in the common room, and that was the only sound you heard. The couches were empty, and books laid about the round table from earlier. I took my robe off and hung it over one of the chairs before sinking into one of the black leather couches with Draco. I tried to be as graceful as possible pulling my legs closer to me while wearing a skirt, and decided it was best if I pulled a blanket over myself.
"Don't be such a blanket hog, Via." Draco made fun of me, pulling some of the blanket from my lap and on to himself. I rested my back against the arm of the couch and threw my legs over his lap, scooting closer to make myself more comfortable. He fixed the blanket so it would cover all of me, and snuck a hand under and on top of my thigh. I got chills again, as his cold fingertips touched my skin and started dancing circles so peacefully.
"Draco." I mumbled, my eyes now closed because of how tired I realized I had become. His attention turned to me as he looked down at me, and somehow his other hand found its way to my body as well, as it now rested above the hemline of my skirt. He leaned into the couch next to me moving his hand to wrap around my waist, and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck.
"Yes?" He mumbled, his breath snaking it's way around my skin, living goosebumps in its place. I took the arm around Draco and moved slightly so I could run my hand through his hair, causing him to breathe deeply into me. As if he wanted revenge for it, he untucked my white shirt from my skirt, sliding his hand up my back. In a swift motion, Draco was hovering above me, his arms by either side of my head. He took a hand to the hem of my shirt that was now sticking out and continued to tug on the edges around it, trying to pull it free. I instinctively laughed and pushed his hand away, which was greeted by him grabbing my wrists and pinning them above my head on the couch. I gasped, and he leaned close to me to whisper.
"Tell me you want me." He said quietly, his lips making contact with my ear. He noticed how this affected me and placed a soft kiss under my jaw, his free hand still pulling my shirt from being tucked in.
"Draco we cant." I was breathing heavy, mentally cursing myself for wanting to stop.
"But we can." He kissed my neck again, his hand finally getting my shirt untucked. He started with the top buttons, going slow as he sucked on the skin of my neck. I was squirming under his grasp, my body aching for more of his touch. Once my bra was revealed, he released my hands and sat up, pulling me into his lap. This time, his hands wandered to my thighs as I straddled him, getting closer and closer to under my skirt. I looked down at him, and I knew my eyes were begging for him.
"Are you still going to tell me you don't want to?" He pulled me closer to him, and I was about to open my mouth to give in when the door to the common room opened. I pulled myself off Draco and covered myself in the blanket, trying to button up my shirt as quickly as I could.
"Draco. Black. Nice to see you." Marcus Flint says, walking towards the boys dorms. As soon as the door shuts behind him, Draco and I start laughing.
"That's my cue to leave." I sigh, getting up from the couch, only to be pulled back onto Draco again, his hands placed on both sides of my face as he pulls me into a deep kiss before letting me go. I went to sleep that night with my breath still smelling like spearmint.

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