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I woke up in time to see the rest of the girls in my dorm leaving before me. Sighing, I stretched out and almost kicked something off the end of my bed. I looked down, and my robe was folded neatly with a black scarf with the initials of none other than Draco Malfoy on the seam. Had he brought these in here while I was sleeping? I slipped into a new outfit, a new skirt that wasn't black and was instead a plaid green, the house assigned uniform one, and a black turtleneck. I tied my robes on and made my way upstairs to the dining hall.

Draco was sitting with Crab and Goyle as always, laughing at something stupid probably. In the midst of staring at my friends, I quietly literally was knocked on my ass.
"Ouch." I rubbed my elbows as strong hands enveloped my waist to pull me up.
"Hey there, Black." A familiar voice said. I pulled my hair out of my face and looked up to see Fred again.
"Hey Frederick, thanks for knocking me down." I scoffed, rubbing dirt off my robes.
"Hey you were the one not looking!" He threw his hands up in defense and smiled down at me.
"I was actually going to look for you, Via, I have a question." But before he can ask, Dumbledore is calling us to our tables.
"Meet me in the tower at 11." He smiles before running off, and I take my place next to Draco at our table.
"What did Weasley want?" Dracos words spit hatred to the ginger, and it stung. He was never trusting, and he certainly didn't like anyone getting in his way.
"Don't be rude." I hissed at him, kicking him under the table.
"Since when did you like him?" He seemed taken aback, and leaned away from me, focusing his attention on Crab. I rolled my eyes and looked across the room to see Fred and George staring at me. I was flushed, and looked away from their gaze.

After Dumbledore spoke about the Triwizard Tournament and how it would be held here, at Hogwarts, each table was cheering loudly. I knew Fred and George were upset about the age ban, but they'd try to trick their way around the rules as usual. When I locked eyes with Fred again he sent a wink my way, and I rolled my eyes at him.

Potions that afternoon was unbearable, as Draco wouldn't look twice at me the entire class, let alone talk to me.
"Draco." I whispered, poking a finger into his side.
"Leave me alone you git." He hissed at me, and I was taken back by his harshness. Snape told the class it was time to leave and I rushed out before Draco could say anything else hurtful. I held my books to my chest and rushed to Charms. I sat alone, until people filled my table. Harry, Ron, Fred and George all sat with me. Fred sat by my side, and I smiled up at him when he sat down, though obvious I was on the verge of tears. How could I tell him that Draco was never going to be the boy I wanted him to be and I was hurt by his actions? I couldn't, obviously.
"You okay?" He nudged my shoulder, whispering to me as Flitwick talked.
"I'm fine." I shook it off, staring down at my lap. Fred took my hand in his own, interlacing our fingers, which took me by surprise.
"Pay attention." He laughed, never letting go of my hand.

He only let go when class ended, and offered to walk me back to the Slytherin house.
"You want to be seen in the dungeon with me?" I teased, poking his stomach.
"Or I reckon we could go to dinner and then you could come to the tower with me like I asked." He poked me back.
"Why do you want to go up there?" I ask, as we walk to the dining room.
"I just want to talk to you." He smiles innocently.
"If you have any of your tricks planned, I will never speak to you again." I deadpan, though I know I didn't mean it.
"Oh come on, lady, put some more trust into me would ya?" He threw his arm over my shoulders and we walked into the hall. When he realized what he was doing, and that people were looking at a Gryffindor and a Slytherin together, he quickly took his arm off me and gave me a smile as he walked to his own table.

Draco was sitting at the table with Pansy Parkinson sitting in his lap, while they snogged in front of everyone. I had suddenly lost my appetite, and turned on my heels and left. It was a fast walk back to the Slytherin common room, where I broke down in tears as soon as I entered. Draco didn't care about anyone but himself, and if he did, he wouldn't ever be able to show it. Last night he was practically begging to be with me. The door opened behind me and I quickly wiped my tears away and pulled a blanket on me in front of the fire.
"Via." I could tell his voice apart from anyone's.
"Draco, why don't you take your own advice and leave me alone you bloody git." I didn't even bother to look his way.
"Seriously? Now you're giving me the cold shoulder?" He sat beside me, and rested a hand on my leg.
"Don't touch me, Malfoy." I pushed his hand away, looking at him with disgust.
"Is this about Pansy?"
"I don't give two shits about Pansy fucking Parkinson." I spat back.
"Clearly you do."
"No I don't." I stood, throwing the blanket on Dracos lap. I started to make my way to the girls dorms when he grabbed my forearm and dragged me into the boys room. As it was empty, he locked the door behind us and pushed me against it.
"Draco. Get off me." I demanded, but became weak in the knees when his lips met my neck once more. A small moan escaped my lips, and I melted into his arms.
"Draco.." I breathed heavily, and he stopped sucking on my skin and pulled back. Instead of stopping completely, he pulled me to his bed and pushed me into it.
"Fuck me, you're gorgeous." He said between hungry bites, his hands slipping under my thighs to pull me into him.
"We can't do this, what if someone tries to come in?" I tried to say, but he placed his lips on my own, and the kisses became desperate, long, and our hands were all over each other. He was pulling my shirt over my head, and then taking off his own. He placed wet kisses over my chest, pulling at the straps of my bra.
"Stay with me tonight." He said between kisses, hovering over me as I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"I can't, Draco." I ran my hand down the side of his face, stopping at his cheek, holding him there.
"Why not?"
"I promised to go visit Fred." I sighed, knowing this wouldn't get a good reaction. But of course, I knew this, so maybe I was prepared for when his face turned into a scowl.

Really, though, you aren't really ever prepared for a reaction you know will hurt you.
"A Weasley? That bunch of gits is why you won't stay with me? You really mustn't be worth it then." He spit at me, climbing off the bed. My hands began to shake as I picked up my shirt and got it on as quickly as I could.
"Draco, Im done doing this. I'm done, okay? I can't handle your emotional range of a fucking teaspoon!" I sneered at him, pushing his chest, picking my robe off the floor and throwing his scarf at his chest. I unlocked the door with my shaky hands and slammed it behind me, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I ran to my dorm and threw my robe on my bed in anger. Draco was such a fucking dick and I knew that. Why would I keep putting myself through this? I quickly checked the time, seeing I had a few minutes to get to Fred.

I numbed myself. I pushed it all down and I made  my way to the tower to try to feel something less than hatred for Draco and worse,

For myself.

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