5: End Of The Night

Start from the beginning

She got out and walked around to his side of the truck. She placed her palm open looking straight into his eyes.

"I believe you have something of mine," She stated.

He smirked to himself, "Ah! Your location tracker. You remembered?" He said feigning surprise.

"I don't forget." Selene gritted through her teeth.

Keir has no idea how important the phone to Selene is. He may see that as a location tracker but it is much more than that for her.

He rummaged through his pockets before taking out her rose gold mobile phone. He passed it to her who snatched it from his grip.

She turned around walking to her car on the other end of the lot. She heard his door open and shut making her heart skip a beat in fear.

"I saved my number in your phone, in case you forget to call me." He yelled across the parking lot.

Goosebumps rose on her arms as she remembered about the deal that they had agreed upon.

"OK!" She yelled back.

She kept walking, not daring to turn around or glance at him.

Her heart thumped when she heard his footsteps behind. She spun around coming face to face with him.

"What?" She asked taking a step back, just in case she needed to sprint. They are standing in the mid way between his truck and her car. She's at a disadvantage if she has to run.

"Are you sure, you'll be fine at this time of the night?" He was a little embarrassed to ask her that but asked her anyway.

Selene gave him a weird look. If she could survive the night with a serial killer then she could survive anything.

"I could drop you off to your place if you want," He continued as she was silent.

Red alarming lights flashed at the back of her mind. Her heart pumped blood now faster than ever. He wanted to drop her off at her house and the only reason that she could think of was to kill her.

She gulped down her fear, placing on a poker face, "I'd rather die."

She regretted the choice of words that came out of her mouth. She mentally cursed herself for using the d-word.

The expression that Keir wore now didn't help either. He was furious to be rejected for his mere concern.

"That mouth of yours could get you killed." He spat in anger.

It was her cue to leave, she ignored him and turned around walking back to her car as fast as her legs could take her.

She glanced at him through her shoulders. Her eyes raked him up and down, making sure that he stayed put. She unlocked her car and opened the door on the driver's side.

Before she could enter, a hand closed it from behind. She was spun around and pushed against the car, trapped between the door and the towering height of Keir.

He looked beyond furious, trying hard to control his temper. Selene stood there speechless. Her heart drummed at the highest note, enough to give her a heart attack.

He leaned his body close to her, pressing his weight on her. He was staring down at her, breathing heavily as his chest heaved. His black eyes were filled with rage or something else, she couldn't tell.

Selene looked away from his dark intense eyes, focusing on their shadows on the pavement.

"Do yourself a favour and don't fucking check me out ever again." His hot breath fanned her nape of the neck.

Blood rushed to her face and it became hard for her to breath. He pulled away and walked back to his car giving her ample space to breath again.

Selene stood there unmoving in the parking lot staring at the fading silhouette of his truck.

She shouldn't have checked him out in his car then or now in the parking lot. She should be careful around him if she wishes to be alive.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket making her jump in surprise.

She pulled it out and the caller ID flashed. Her heartbeat rose, if it was even possible at this rate.

"Hello?" She answered.

"What the hell are you doing in that fucking parking lot for hours? Where's the goddamn money? Haden is asking for you." The person on the other side spoke.

"Tell him that I'll meet him, the first thing in the morning," She said and hung up.

She wasted no time and started driving her car to her place. She's in some dire need of sleep after all the events that happened tonight.

She should come up with a brilliant reason if she wants to convince Haden about where she was from the dusk till dawn.

Or death it is, for her.


WC 1304

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