Just be honest with yourself-Wayleska

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Slight angst on the beginning
G a Y n E s S <3

Honestly I wouldn't say there is anything in my mind that would need a warning

Probably a bit of violence

Then I'll sneak something in at the end


And typing skills

And my autocorrect T-T

Also be warned by um- as I said I don't think my writing is all that good

But I'm pretty positive it isn't good with


Romance junk

Which this won't be that intense because well- you'll see dsheishdhs

Also I'm doing this while listening to videos assigned to me- currently I'm listening to my math teacher talk in the video she sent to help us so- that also makes it a bit worse also a little bit of a change in plot will happen- because I can't stand what happened at Ace Chemicals

Bruce was sitting in the library, calmly reading a book- ignoring everything around his because 1, he was reading, CALMLY 2, he hadn't slept in like a WEEK because he had been worrying over where Jeremiah was, he was infuriated, the man that he had once helped, had considered a friend, went insane, tried to hurt everyone Bruce loved, AND HE SHOT SELINA!! Just the thought of it made Bruce's blood boil, but- somewhere inside- hidden and very small- was a part of him that held this warm feeling for Jeremiah- or had, he liked to ignore it so that it 'wouldn't exist' even though it did, but Jeremiah was so obviously OBSESSED with Bruce- and probably some other things with him that Bruce didn't even want to consider, but knew.

As Bruce turned the page, briefly closing his eyes before jolting up with a small groan of annoyance, barely hearing this small tapping noise, if you will, but ignoring it just thinking 'Just the house- or my imagination' and continued on with the reading, before he heard the tapping stop near the couch, tensing up before shaking his head "It's nothing, your just paranoid" he muttered to himself, putting the book down next to him and putting his head in his hands, he then froze barely seeing something pop out from behind the couch, turning and almost falling off the couch, causing a loud cackle to be heard, the subtle hint of amusement in the familiar, usually emotionless cold somewhat eerie voice. 'Where is Alfred?!?' He thought when he realized, Alfred was nowhere to be seen "Where's Alfred?!" He snapped looking up at the, barely taller male causing the subtle thought in the back of his mind 'Rather funny that he's older and in his early twenties, and I'm in my teens, and he's barely taller, funny because he probably won't be that little bit taller much longer' this caused him to be slightly irritated with himself at the seemingly stupid thought, he noticed Jeremiah roll his eyes, those pale eyes, if Bruce was to be totally honest, despite the strangeness of it he could probably watch Jeremiah roll his eyes all day, they were just so.....pretty- once that thought entered his head he wanted to slap himself in the face. "Always so...demanding....but anyway, I thought Alfred was supposed to be on a little..trip to the store...." "I swear to god if you did anything to Alfred!!" "Jesus I haven't touched him- well I did, but not in a...necessarily...harmful way~" This did nothing to reassure Bruce, if anything- it made his current emotions intensify; annoyed, angry, and a bit fearful for Alfred, his breathing became heavier from the increasing anger he was holding back before he yelled lunging at Jeremiah causing the man to stumble back in slight surprise as he was knocked to the floor, his expression showing nothing though, even when Bruce began to punch him, but- everyone had a moment when enough was enough, and on this particular day that didn't take too much for Jeremiah, he pushed Bruce off standing up quickly, and kicking him away into the coffee table corner, which he knew had hurt.

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